The Community Garden was started in 2009. Folks can reserve one or more beds in the spring or fall and organically grow vegetables, fruits, and flowers. The plots are available to members of the community which includes the congregation as well as friends and neighbors in the wider community. The garden is also used to teach gardening skills and information to youth groups and Scouts. Key features of the garden include the following:
- Each bed is 4’ X 8’, arranged with three beds touching each other.
- We sponsor multiple community work days to get to know fellow gardeners.
- There are 10 beds where the community of gardeners works together to raise vegetables that are donated to the local food bank.
- The garden is deer free, protected by a fence.
- It is an organic garden (no pesticides or herbicides).
- Cost per bed is $15 per year. Keeping the same bed from year to year is encouraged.
- There is an initial $20 deposit that is refunded if you leave the garden with your beds in reasonably good condition.
- For now, water is obtained from the building with plans to connect to the water cisterns that collect run-off from the solar array.
For more information, contact Russ Fedewa, 216-704-5105.