The Unitarian Universalist Congregation is governed in accordance with its Code of Regulations, which was adopted in 2019 and amended periodically.
Leadership is provided by volunteers from the Congregation in conjunction with Minister Rev. Randy Partain and members of the professional staff.
UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
UUCC Members elect three new members of the Board of Trustees each year at our annual meeting. Each person on the Board agrees to serve for a three-year term. The work of the Board is supported by our Minister and Operations Council (formerly known as as the Leadership Council). My
Contact: [email protected]
2024-25 Board of Trustees Members
- Dawn Arrington
- Barbie Jones, Board Co-Chair
- Mark Weber, Past President
- Alicia Burkle, Secretary
- Justin Hunsaker, Treasurer
- Chuck Segall
- Jess Levy
- Valerie McFadden
- Molly Watkins, Board Co-Chair
Ex Officio
- Rev. Randy Partain
2023-2024 Executive Committee:
- Barbie Jones, Board Co-Chair* (July 2023-June 2025)
- Molly Watkins, Board Co-Chair* (July 2024-June 2026)
- Justin Hunsaker, Treasurer
- Alicia Burkle, Secretary
- Mark Weber, Past President
The Operations (formerly Leadership) Council is made up of Lay and Staff Members and is responsible for the managing the operations of our congregation. The Operations Council Core meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.
Operations Council Core Members:
- Rev. Randy Partain, Minister
- Mark Weber, Past President
- Justin Hunsaker, Treasurer
- Victor Young, Facilities Manager, Staff Appointee
- TBD, Special Board Appointee
Operations Council Updates are available here.
Contact: [email protected]
Share this post:The Congregational Minister, another staff member appointed by the Board, the past President and the Treasurer (or member of the Finance Committee designated by the Chair of the Finance Committee) shall comprise the Leadership Council (the “Council”). If for any reason the Treasurer, Finance Committee designee or the past President is unable to serve on the Council, a member of the Board shall be appointed by the President to serve. (amended 2020) The Council shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Congregation consistent with policies established by the Board, and may, with the approval of the Board, appoint additional staff persons or Members to serve on the Council.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
Board Committees (in the Code of Regulations)
The Executive Committee of the Board, made up of its officers and the Minister, meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Contact: any individual member
2023-2024 Executive Committee:
- Amy Glesius, Board Co-Chair* (July 2023-June 2024)
- Barbie Jones, Board Co-Chair* (July 2023-June 2025)
- Mark Assel, Treasurer
- Molly Watkins, Secretary
- Mark Weber, Past President
Share this post:The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members: the President, Vice President, Secretary, the Treasurer of the Board, and the past President. Initially, upon adoption of these Regulations, the Past Presidents of both First Unitarian and the Society, as defined above in Article IV, or such other person as may be properly designated, shall serve as members of the Executive Committee, until such time as the term of the Initial President expires and his or her successor is elected. During the interim between meetings of the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee may act for and on behalf of the Board on ordinary or emergency matters, and shall report its acts to the next meeting of the Board.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
Committee of the Board that oversees UUCC finances. The Finance Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Contact: Don Stimpert (email)
2023-24 Finance Committee:
- Don Stimpert, chair
- Mark Assel
- John Bacon
- Carol Gay
- Ray Gonzalez
- David Kantor
- Sue Lencewicz (bookkeeper)
- Shane Millette
- Randy Partain (minister)
- Lou Salza
Share this post:The committee shall advise the Board regarding financial policies and procedures, and may include members who are not Trustees. The President shall appoint a Finance Committee Chair from the Members of the Congregation. The Chair will be the liaison with the Board. One member of this committee may be designated Assistant Treasurer. The committee shall have supervision over all financial affairs of the Congregation. The committee shall prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board; the Board will review, modify, and submit the budget to the Membership at the Annual Meeting. All fundraising activities must be approved by this committee. The following are subcommittees of this committee, all of which may include Members who do not serve on the Board, or Friends:
A Stewardship Committee shall direct the annual fund drive.
A Heritage Committee: This committee is responsible for developing programs to assure appropriate giving, e.g. bequests, by Members for purposes other than the support of the Congregation’s regular operating expenses.
A Capital Campaign Committee shall direct both major and minor (i.e., “cheerful project”) capital campaigns
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
Committee that plans and executes the annual Stewardship Campaign for UUCC.
2024-2025 UUCC Stewardship Campaign Committee
This committee operates during the 2023-2024 Congregation Year and conducts the stewardship campaign for the 2024-2025 Congregation Year.
- Sharon Edmond
- Carol Gay
- Ray Gonzalez
- Dennis Grossman
- David Kantor
- Valerie McFadden
- Rev. Randy Partain
- Lou Salza
- Don Stimpert
- Cat White
Contact the Stewardship Team

Committee that plans and implements activities to enhance Congregational fellowship and strengthen relationships among our members.
Contacts: Carol Gay (email) and Amy Glesius
Share this post:The Membership Committee shall support the recruitment of new members to the Congregation, and shall support programs and activities to enhance member engagement and collegiality among its members.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
Committee that oversees and directs the investment of UUCC’s investment portfolio.
Contact: Tom McKenna (email)
2023-24 Investment Committee
- Pat Dillard
- David Kantor
- Brian Larson
- Tom McKenna (chair)
- Glen Solomon
- Don Stimpert
- Cynthia Taylor
Share this post:The Investment Committee shall supervise the custody and investment of the funds of the Congregation and shall advise the Board with respect to investment policy. The committee shall have at least three (3) members. The chairperson of the Investment Committee shall not also serve as the chairperson of the Finance Committee.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
Special Board Committees & Working Groups
The Future Facilities Task Force and its charter and mission from the Board of Trustees was introduced in the October 3, 2024 newsletter. Since then the task force has been meeting weekly and on October 22 sent a “Request for Proposal (RFP)” to 6 consulting firms. These firms were selected after some preliminary exploration and discussions about their credentials, expertise and practices relative to our task force’s mission.
The RFP asks consultants to propose their approach, a timeline and a price for conducting the following work:
* Assess the needs and wants of the congregation relative to the current and future desired spaces. — Engage directly with UUCC members, staff and other stakeholders via interviews, workshops, focus groups or other methods to gain feedback on facility needs.
* Consider the following alternatives: — Evaluate the Shaker building’s current spaces and utilization and determine how it might be modified, repurposed and renovated to better fit the congregation’s needs. — *Explore the feasibility of such a renovation versus partially tearing down or completely rebuilding the facility to better meet the identified needs. __ Provide cost estimates, benefits and risks for each alternative and provide an overall recommendation.
* Develop a phased implementation plan that minimizes disruptions and aligns with UUCC’s financial capabilities. The consultants are required to submit their proposals no later than November 5, 2024.
The task force will then evaluate the proposals and conduct interviews with those consultants whose proposals best align with our needs. After we make a decision and select the winning bidder we will negotiate an agreement with that consultant and finalize the schedule. The task force envisions a tentative timeline of approximately 10-12 weeks for the consulting work to be conducted, although we are also asking the consultants to give their guidance regarding how much time will be required. In addition to opportunities for congregants and stakeholders to engage and participate in the process as noted above, the task force will continue to communicate, via this newsletter and other channels, the progress and milestones as the project proceeds.
Share this post:One of the three primary Board initiatives for this year is to look at how we are using our building, what our space needs are, and suggest a proposal for how to adapt the current building or create new space(s). A Future Facilities Task Force began work on this on September 10, and has had two meetings so far. Current members of the group are Dawn Arrington, John Bacon, Ray Gonzalez, Tom McKenna, Kevin Ortner, Don Stimpert, and Molly Watkins. We are currently working on developing a Statement of Work to guide us in hiring a consultant to help us evaluate our current building usage and what spaces would best align with fulfilling our UUCC mission. At the same time, we are taking inventory of the spaces we currently have and how they are being used, and we are brainstorming for possible consulting firms.
Share this post:Established by the Board to assess the overall ministry of the congregation, including support and feedback to paid ministerial staff.
Contact: Rev. Randy Partain (email)
2023-24 Committee on Shared Ministry
- Rev. Randy Partain
- Laurie Albright
- Laurie Holmes
- Mary Ellen McNulty
- Mike Miller
- Mary Schatzman
Oversees planning & operations of the physical facilities.
Contacts: Ken Kuehm (email) and Tom McKenna (email)
2023-24 Buildings & Grounds Committee
- Ray Gonzalez
- Ken Kuehm (co-chair)
- Ryan McGuire
- Tom McKenna (co-chair)
- Dell Salza
- Cliff Wire
- Victor Young (staff)
Coordinates rental use of facilities by external groups and individuals.
Contacts: Rita Jackson (email or 216-751-2320) and Tom McKenna (email)
Share this post:Team established by the Board of Trustees that is charged with selling the Lancashire property, and completing a property assessment of the Shaker property.
Contacts: Tadd Pinkston (email) and Tom McKenna (email)
2023-24 Facilities Task Force:
- Pat Dillard
- Ray Gonzalez
- David Kantor
- Ken Kuehm
- Tom McKenna (co-chair),
- Tadd Pinkston (co-chair)
- Terry Robbins
The Board appointed the Strategic Investment Task Force to develop a program to make significant investments in a limited number of initiatives that further the mission, vision, and strategic plan of UUCC.
The Strategic Investment Task (SIT) Force was created by the Board at the same time the Sue McKimm fund was established, for the purpose of creating and managing the process of identifying initiatives that are most worthy of investment. The SIT Force has been meeting since the Winter of 2022, debating a wide range of questions and developing the overall framework for the actual process of soliciting proposals, developing decision criteria and making decisions regarding the initiatives to be funded.
The SIT Force is composed of a blend of Board members, other members of the congregation, and staff. Current members of the SIT Force are:
2023-24 Strategic Investment Task Force
- David Kantor (chair)
- Laurie Albright
- Mark Assel (Board)
- Erika Brown
- Sharon Edmond (staff)
- Carol Gay
- Allan Georgia (staff)
- Amy Glesius (Board)
- Ray Gonzalez (Board)
- Barbie Jones (Board)
- Tom McKenna
- Rev. Randy Partain
- Lou Salza
- Don Stimpert
- Heather Torok
Free Standing Committees (in the Code of Regulations)
Committee that develops and implements plans to support members who are interested in evolving into leadership roles within UUCC and identifies and nominates individuals for positions that require a Congregational vote.
Contact: [email protected]
2023-24 Leadership Development Committee:
- Heather Craigie (2023-25) Co-Chair
- Carol Gay (2024-26)
- Dennis Grossman (2024-26)
- Jess Levy (Board of Trustees liaison 2024-25)
- Chuck Segall (Board of Trustees liaison (2024-25)
- Claudia Victoroff (2023-25) Co-Chair
Share this post:The Leadership Development Committee shall: (a) meet with prospective Trustees and recommend the slate of candidates for election and re-election to the Board; (b) identify and cultivate Members to serve as officers, Board members, and other leadership roles in the Congregation; (c) implement recommendations of the Board regarding the overall composition of the Board to ensure members represent diverse viewpoints and skillsets; (d) consult with committee chairs regarding potential non-board committee members that have potential to serve in leadership roles; and (e) develop and implement process for, and conduct, periodic leadership training for Members of the Congregation.
The Leadership Development Committee shall consist of six (6) members. In total, four members of the Committee, to be divided into two classes, each to serve staggered two-year terms, shall be elected by the voting Members present at the Annual Meeting from candidates nominated by the Leadership Development Committee, by petition as specified by these Regulations, or by nomination from the floor. Of these four members, except as noted below, two shall be elected at each Annual Meeting. In addition, two members shall be appointed by the Board from among its members, at its first meeting following each Annual Meeting, to serve for a period of one year. One Board appointed member will serve as Board liaison and may not be the chairperson of this committee. Upon adoption of these Regulations, and only for the initial composition of the Leadership Development Committee, four Committee members, divided into two classes, shall be elected by the Members, with one of the classes of elected members serving for an initial term of one year in order to establish the ongoing schedule of staggered two-year terms as set forth above.
Election to the Leadership Development Committee shall require at least two years’ Membership in the Congregation. A member of the Leadership Development Committee shall not serve in any other elective position except for the two members appointed by the Board. In addition, no person shall be eligible for re-election within a period of two years of having completed one term on the committee. In this regard, anyone having served greater than one year will be considered to have served one term.
Any vacancy occurring in the Leadership Development Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Trustees, provided that the composition of the committee is maintained as described herein. As soon as feasible after its membership is fully determined, the Leadership Development Committee shall meet and elect one of its members, other than one who is also a member of the Board of Trustees, as Chairperson.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations