We’re glad you are interested in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland.

Our congregation is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association. As a Unitarian Universalist–UU for short–congregation, we are a non-creedal community. That means that we do not require anyone to subscribe to a specific set of beliefs to be a member of the Congregation. Instead we abide by a covenant that encourages ethical behavior, affirms democracy, celebrates the worth of each individual and unites us in a search for truth and meaning. We find inspiration from a broad spectrum of traditions including Christianity, Humanism, Earth-centered spirituality, Eastern Religions, direct experience and much more. 

We are a welcoming congregation, which affirms all persons who choose to participate in the life or activities of our community, regardless of color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental abilities or economic status.

The UUCC Congregational Covenant:

We Cultivate trust with one another by celebrating differences, honoring boundaries, and
offering compassion and care.
We Listen to each other deeply with curiosity and wonder.
We Speak for ourselves, without need to defend ourselves or persuade each other.
We Create safe and brave space for healthy conflict, creativity, and fun.
We Reconcile through forgiving and making amends when we hurt one another.

We invite you to learn more about our congregation and consider making it your spiritual home.

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