Our Buildings
21600 Shaker Boulevard

Our primary building is at 21600 Shaker Boulevard, in Shaker Heights, Ohio
Access to the building is off Shaker Boulevard Eastbound from Warrensville Center Road. We are just
past the Shaker Middle School. Parking is in the lot behind the building. Our primary building entrances are off the parking lot.
Normal Building hours:
- Friday – Monday 9:00AM – 2:00PM
- Sunday Services are held at 10:15 am.
- Religious Education is at 11:30 am on Sunday mornings.
- Tuesday – Thursday 9:00AM – 7:00PM
We are closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Thanksgiving Friday, and the week from Christmas Day to New Years Day.
- Elevator – Our building was built in the 1950’s, in a bit of a split-level format. There is elevator
access to all congregant levels. The West parking lot door is handicap accessible, with a ramp
down to the elevator level. The path to the elevator winds a bit, but is not confusing. Should a
person be able to walk a few steps downstairs the elevator is closer to the East Parking lot
entrance. - Hearing Loop – We have a hearing loop installed for those who use hearing aids with a T-coil
setting. In addition, stand alone hearing devices are available for use in the sanctuary. - Wheel chair – one is available by contacting a staff member
2728 Lancashire Road

We also have a building at 2728 Lancashire Road in Cleveland Heights. This is the previous home of the
UU Society of Cleveland. This now houses recovery groups, and a non-denominational congregation.
This building is on the market for redevelopment.
From the UUCC Code of Regulations
From the UUCC Code of RegulationsShare this post: