The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the central organization of the denomination. The UUA describes its purpose as “to equip congregations for health and vitality, to support and train lay and professional leaders, and to advance Unitarian Universalist values in the world. . . . Each UU congregation is autonomous—congregational leaders set their own priorities and choose their own ministers and staff. Congregations vote for the leaders of the UUA, who oversee the central staff and resources. The UUA supports congregations in their work by training ministers, publishing books and the UU World magazine, providing religious education curricula, offering shared services, coordinating social justice activities, and more.”

The General Assembly, a significant event in our UU community, was held from June 20 to 23, bringing us together in a unique virtual setting. This initial report will not cover the full range of actions, activities, workshops, and worship. We look forward to an opportunity for a fuller discussion of the non-business aspects of ...
The most important items that your UUCC Delegates to the 2024 UUA General Assembly will be voting on include the following (click on the links to see the text of the item and current discussion about it on the UUA General Assembly site): Final Proposed Revision to Article II Proposed Amendments to Article II Revision ...
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) enables us to be part of a denomination rather than an independent congregation. It provides resources, support and structure that underpin how our congregations operate internally and within the larger community. It provides ways for congregations to collaborate regionally, nationally and internationally. As the delegate team prepares to represent UUCC ...
Actions of Immediate Witness, approaching General Assembly June 2024. Would you like to submit? Actions of Immediate Witness (AIWs) express the conscience and carry the authority of the delegates at the GA at which it is passed. AIWs are initiated by individual delegates and move through their entire creation and adoption process during a single ...
The Board of Trustees would like to know your views on the proposed amendments to Article II that UUCC has been asked to support for consideration at the 2024 General Assembly. Click here to take the survey ...
One of the three Actions of Immediate Witness approved at General Assembly in Pittsburgh in June is “Organizing for Health Equity.” Remember that Actions of Immediate Witness (“AIWs”) are UU social justice initiatives proposed by members and intended to inspire congregations to take action (more details are available on the UUCC website, Understanding UUA “Actions ...
1.   We elected an incredible new President, Dr. Sofia Bentacourt! See her bio here.  2.   We attended amazing worship services. These can be viewed on the  website. video or this link for more information about the service 3.   We thrilled to the music of the General Assembly (GA) choir, with eight (8!) members of UUCC singing. 4.   We attended the ...
On May 21, the UUCC General Assembly Delegates presented the results of the survey that all Members and Friends were invited to take. Questions covered proposed changes to Article II (updating the Unitarian Universalist Association Purpose, Inclusion, and Freedom of Belief statements and replacing the Principles with Values and Sources with Inspirations) and General Assembly ...
General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to have voting delegates. It is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings ...
The 8th Principle was originally proposed by Paula Cole Jones who worked with congregations on issues of race and multiculturalism for over 15 years as Director of Racial and Social Justice for the Joseph Priestley district—the mid-Atlantic district of the UUA, which has since been subsumed into the Central East Regional Group (CERG). After working ...
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