Dear Members and Friends of our Community,
In an effort to safeguard the community in this uncertain health time, The Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Cleveland (UUCC) has decided to close both of our buildings, effective immediately, until after March 29th 2020. During this time we will be providing Sunday Worship Service on our YouTube channel.
On March 29th, the Board will re-evaluate information about the coronavirus known as Covid-19, and the safety of resuming normal operations.
This closure covers our Sunday Worship Services, Religious Education Classes, Forums, Covenant Groups, Beloved Conversations, rentals and all regular meetings that occur in both of our buildings (Lancashire Road and Shaker Blvd.) Some of our groups may choose to meet virtually.
We know this closure, and overall social distancing will be a challenge for all of us. We will be working to provide opportunities for the community to come together using technology. More on this will follow.
The staff of the congregation will continue to work during this closure. They will do their best to respond to emails and phone calls during this time while the buildings are closed, and will work to help you in whatever way they can.
We have created a new email address for the congregation, [email protected], so that if you need assistance or know someone who does, or if you wish to offer extra assistance we can put people in touch with each other. Simply send an email to the address saying something like “I have a need for someone to pick up some groceries for me,” and another who might say “I have time to pick up groceries for someone.”
We recognize that these are confusing and concerning times, but we are fully confident that our community can and will continue to take care of each other through this. We believe in the power of us.
Your Minister and Board of Trustees
Rev. Joe Cherry
Erika Brown, Steve Doell, Carol Gay, Bob Horan, Wayne Jennings, Tom McKenna, Shane Millette, Susan Paterson, Jennifer Pierce, Tadd Pinkston, Nancy King-Smith, Mary Schatzman, Melissa Vandergriff, Cat White.