Virtual Service 03-29-2020

Order of Service – Wisdom – March 29, 2020

Service Leaders:
Amy Collins, CLM, Peggy Lagodny, Jess Levy, Valerie McFadden, Mark Weber, CLM

Chalice LightingAmy
Call to Worship: Words By Rev. Scott TaylerAmy
Music number 1: #131 Love Will Guide Us
Joys and Concerns
Unison Reading 1: #505 Words of Thich N’Hat Hanh
Story: A Century of WisdomJess & Amy
Musical Number 2: “Made from this Earth”
Wisdom from the Global Scripture:
Labyrinth by Rev. Leslie Takahashi Morris
Personal Reflection #1: “The Price of Gaining Wisdom”Peggy
Music number 3: #16 ‘Tis a Gift to Be Simple
Personal Reflection #2: “Timeless Wisdom”Mark
Music number 4: #1059 May Your Life Be As a Song
Personal Reflection #3: “Radical Acceptance”Valerie
Benediction: Not Just the What, But Also the How
Words by Rev. Karen G. Johnston

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