UUCC Stewardship Pledge Update

Greetings with Gratitude from the UUCC Stewardship Committee!

Pledges are beginning to come in! We are pleased to report that we have raised $98,100 in pledges so far from the 21 pledges we have recorded. Our goal is to raise $600,000 and achieve this goal in the next two weeks!

Thank you to those who have pledged. Please fill out your pledge form and return it to the stewardship committee as soon as possible if you have not already done so. The more information we can share with the Finance Team and the board, the more accurate our 2025-2026 budget will be! All who attended Gratitude Gatherings have an envelope with their pledge cards inside. Those who were unable to attend, have their envelopes by mail. Your pledge to UUCC is critically important—so please get those pledge cards into UUCC as quickly as you can and pledge as generously as you can!

Please help to support UUCC and contribute to our mission of building community, deepening spirituality and advancing justice!

With Gratitude, In Fellowship,

The 2025-2026 UUCC Stewardship Committee

3/10/2025 Stewardship Status
Nbr 25-26 Pledge Last Year Pledge from this group Percent over last year
Decreased Pledge 1 1,000 4,500 22.2%
Same Pledge 4 23,300 23,300 100.0%
Increased Pledge 16 73,800 67,380 109.5%

Pledges Received 21 98,100 95,180 103.1%
Goal 600,000
Percent to Goal 16.35%

16% with only 15 days left in our month long campaign!

Full link to pledge card: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6ghoW8ufP1oUcdzmmKULr22Fge72VFcowa_tK2o6QsAbd8A/viewform?usp=header

Tinyurl: https://tinyurl.com/uuccpledge26

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