UU Justice Ohio Update: January 2021

UUJO Legislative Update

January 20, 2021
7:00 pm

Join Tadd Pinkston (Pinkston Law), Rev Joan Van Becelaere (UUJO), and expert guests will talk about what is new and moving in the Ohio Legislature in January at the start of the new legislative session.

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. It should be a very interesting and exciting Legislative year in 2021!

Widening the Circle of Concern – Theology

In this time of restlessness and uncertainty, a yearning for real change becomes increasingly insistent.

Looking for a path forward for Living Our Values in the World?
Would you like to discuss these matters guided by UU Voices of Color?

Come explore “Widening the Circle of Concern!” This is a ground-breaking report and call to action released by our Unitarian Universalist Commission On Institutional Change” (COIC)* in June, 2020. Join UUJO Board members and allies for two 90 minute sessions in January. We will look at the chapter on “Theology” in Widening the Circle of Concern, understanding the content, looking at action options, sharing what is working, and creating ideas for your congregation to use in working toward racial justice.

What: Widening the Circle of Concern – Theology
When: Thursday Nights, January 21 and 27, 7-8:30pm
Where: Please register for Zoom information and reading materials
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Why: Honoring 3 years of COIC* work with action
Who: You and other members of your congregation and all who are interested

“We are on a journey toward redemption. We have lived a year filled with lamentation… with the strength of generations, the failures of the everyday, and the deep-down gritty messiness that is the promise of our salvation. There is inherent goodness that exists between and among us. I want to honor the weary, ragged miracle that is our living tradition.”

—Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, Service of the Living Tradition, 2018

“Such ambiguity and a concomitant tentativeness in articulating what we are about religiously is presently perhaps our greatest liability and the greatest obstacle to Unitarian Universalism achieving the fulfillment of its potential as an empowering and liberating faith for the twenty-first century. The fear that any such articulation somehow threatens the integrity or right of conscience of any individual is institutionally disabling and must be overcome by mutual trust and a sense of common purpose, the belief that we are joined together in religious association for more than merely instrumental reasons.”

—Rev. Earl Holt, Commission on Appraisal presentation to the 2005 General Assembly
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