You can help with our UUCC post card writing program!
Background: On Saturday 8/21/2021, UUJO (Unitarian Univeralsit Justice Ohio), Re-Connecting the Dots: Planet, People, Power discussed Ohio Redistricting. Urging all of us to pressure our Representatives to
redistrict for the people of Ohio not one particular Political Party.
The time has come to finish what we started. Ohio’s redistricting process is officially
underway and now the work of redrawing Ohio’s General Assembly and congressional
districts can finally begin. This is the first step to creating the fair districts that millions
of Ohioans supported at the ballot box in 2015 and 2018.
We are on the verge of the once-in-a-decade opportunity to deliver the fair and
equitable districts that Ohioans deserve. We cannot afford to sit this one out. The
stakes are too high.
Tell the General Assembly and the Ohio Redistricting Commission that
transparent mapmaking is essential. Urge them to follow the will of the people
and draw fair and equitable districts that keep communities together.
What you can do?
Go to find out what actions you can take.
To view the Ohio Redistricting Commission go to Let them
know we are watching.
There will be postcards at future Sunday Services that can be signed and then
collected. The postcards will be sent to the commission to urge them to map for the
People not the Party.
The next Re-Connecting the Dots: Planet, People, Power will be in September. The
date and time to still be decided.
Re-Connecting the Dots is a project to join together with other UU churches and
environmental groups in Ohio and nearby states to address environmental justice
issues. For more information, join google group Environmental Justice Ohio &
Surrounding Areas – google group or watch the weekly update for information on future
We are stronger and accomplish more when we act together for representation in