Building & Grounds Report April 2024



A few months back, UUCC had a Congregational Conversation about safety, in which congregants were asked what things in the church made them feel safe and what things did not. We generated a long list of items. Several of them fell under the aegis of the Building and Grounds Team. In case you were wondering, here is the status of each of those items according to a conversation with our Facilities Manager, Victor Young:

TRIP HAZARDS – It is currently in the budget to resolve trip hazards on the exterior of the building in all areas we find critical, including the sidewalk. For the past few summers, there were hoses crossing the driveway creating hazards for walkers and wheelchairs. Last fall, thanks to Debbie Wright and McKimm Project funds, pipes were installed under the driveway to bring water to the apple orchard and Community Gardens, so those hoses are no longer needed.

INADEQUATE VENTILATION – The McKimm Project also funded the Energy Efficiency Project audit which revealed that there is currently no ventilation in the building unless the windows are open. This is hazardous in terms of lack of cooling, poor indoor air quality, and pandemic spread. Installation of a new HVAC system, one which would bring our building responsibly and sustainably into the 21st century, would solve this problem, among others. The cost of this all-electric heat pump system would be approximately $1.6M. How much are we willing to put into a livable, healthy future for our grandchildren?

The Board is working on a Strategic Plan for UUCC. Because of this $1.6M and the many other urgent repairs (roof, front steps, windows, etc.) that the building needs, the Board will then be preparing information for the congregation about the relative costs and benefits of renovating this building vs. building a new one on this property.

Also related to ventilation, the restroom exhaust fans have been cleaned and repaired as of February 24, 2024. The vents have been cleaned and are now free of debris, and the fans are functional. Annual inspections will be scheduled henceforth. All drains, both interior and exterior, are being cleaned in order to keep odors down. Exhaust fans for the kitchen hood system and the dishwasher are functional.

TOO MANY STAIRS / WE NEED RAMPS INSTEAD – Victor is looking into ADA requirements as he explores building requirements for the front entrance. See highlighted section under #2. VENTILATION. How this is handled will depend on the congregation’s decision about whether to renovate or build anew.

INADEQUATE LIGHTING – The stairs from Fellowship Hall to the Narthex were cited as being particularly unsafe due to poor lighting. An electrician has been contacted to switch all stairwell lights to direct wiring so that they will be on at all times as required by law for lighting over stairwells. The parking lot lights have recently been repaired and the bulbs upgraded to LEDs. The canopy lights and city lights around the building are all now functional.

BUILDING BEING LOCKED OR UNLOCKED – Currently all staff, renters, and groups meeting in the building have key fobs to open the door. It is the responsibility of key holders to get their members in and out of the building. If we want a security person there at all times, we have to decide whether to allocate funds to pay someone in-house or to get professional security. 

Some people have had trouble getting out of the building. A sign has been posted at the east door to the parking lot indicating how to open that door from the inside when it is locked. [Push the green button. Then push the door open.]

WHERE IS DE-FIBRILLATOR LOCATED? – The de-fibrillator is located on the wall across from the Custodians’ Office, to the left of the stairs going up from the alcove off of Fellowship Hall to the first-floor hallway. There are now signs indicating its location.

Submitted by Dell Salza

April 5, 2024

The B&G team members welcome your feedback and input.

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