Major Projects
- Repair the roof leak near the skylight on the second floor.
- The contractor we have hired to repair this stubborn leak must wait for the right weather (temps at least in the 40’s and no snow or rain) to do the work.
- Second Floor Repairs and Improvements
- Once the roof leak is repaired we can schedule the interior work, namely replacing the ceiling tile and repairing/replacing the floor tile.
- B&G is as anxious as the rest of our fellow congregants to get this work done.
- New chairs for Fellowship Hall
- B&G is still searching for a vendor that can provide suitable, padded chairs that meet our requirements for environmentally suitable materials and stackability for storage, at a reasonable cost.
- If anyone has ideas of a possible supplier please let Tom McKenna know.
Projects about which we reported in our last report:
- Repair the crumbling masonry for the front steps and east retaining wall of the Shaker building.
- Proposals will be solicited from contractors with work targeted to begin in the spring.
- New assisted hearing “loop and coil” system for the Sanctuary.
- A contractor has been selected and the timing of this work will be coordinated with work on a new sound system for the Sanctuary, a project that is being led by Mike Carney.
- Target for completion of these projects is over the next several months.
- Kitchen Stove Venting
- The Meals-on-Wheels group that uses our kitchen 3 times/week has changed the way they prepare meals and are not doing any major cooking on the stoves or ovens.
- B&G is looking to clean the vent up to the fan to see if that will improve the “draft”; waiting on a quote.
- Landscaping and Grounds Management
- B&G will work with UUCC’s Ministry for Earth (MFE) to develop parameters and goals for our landscapers that are both acceptable to maintain the appearance of our property and oriented toward environmental responsibility.
- Cleaning Service
- A new cleaning service, which is a Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE), is expected to begin in early Feb. Their start has been delayed by a COVID outbreak among their staff.
- They will first do a “deep clean” of the building and then will do regular cleaning twice/week.
- B&G will continue to look for MBE’s and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE) to hire as vendors and service providers.
The B&G team members are Pat Dillard, Ray Gonzalez, Michael Kuehm (custodian), Ken Kuehm (co-chair), Ryan McGuire, Tom McKenna (co-chair), Vertis Nelson (custodian), Dell Salza and Matt Smith.
We welcome your feedback and input.
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