As Allan Georgia announced in February, he is preparing to leave UUCC to take up ministry work in United Methodist congregations in Parma. A Celebration of Allan Georgia’s time with us will be held on June 16 following the service. All are invited. We’ll have cake, an open microphone for those who wish to share thoughts or stories about Allan, and who knows what else…
You can participate in multiple ways:
1. We’ll have a “memory book” floating around the church on Sundays where you can share your best wishes and other sentiments with Allan
2. You can bring “finger food” (baked goods, fruit, etc.) on the 16th to share
3. You can make a cash donation for Allan’s Celebration gift — we’ll have a box in Fellowship Hall on Sunday’s after the service, you can use the Cash App, or you can drop a check in the upstairs safe or in the mail – just get it to us by June 10. Please note somewhere on your gift that it’s for Allan’s celebration.
NOTE: If you won’t be in the building during the next few weeks, you can still participate by sending an e-mail with you Allan thoughts to Helen Gutin at We’ll be outdoors for the Celebration of Allan, weather permitting; in case of inclement weather, we’ll be in Fellowship Hall. Questions? Contact Helen Gutin at 216/970-0900 or
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