Finance Corner: 5-year Financial Projection

A subcommittee of Finance built a draft financial projection covering the period to June 2029. The projection is based on doing nothing different – in other words, keeping the current staffing levels and other expenses. Based on our historical experience, we made assumptions around such items as inflationary expense increases, changes in pledge and rental income, investment performance, etc.

It’s important to note that we did not include any capital projects on the Shaker building, other than the funds that have been approved to date. Similarly, we did not include the proceeds from selling the Lancashire building, although we expect that will happen in the covered time frame.

The projection still needs some updates and review by the full committee, but I thought it would be useful for the entire congregation in preparation for the annual meeting, just as it was helpful to the Finance committee when we were building the 2024-25 budget.

So where does the projection end up? For the Operating budget (see my article from April 24), it shows a continued rise in the annual deficit, from about $130,000 for 24-25 up to about $160,000 in 28-29. And those deficits plus the currently approved B&G and McKimm projects result in the investment fund dropping from the current $2.6 million to $1.2 million.

If you have any questions, please Don Stimpert, the Finance Committee Chair.