Finance Committee Report
- Our financial performance from operations was well ahead of budget for the first five months of our fiscal year – not a surprise, due to congregants paying their pledges in advance.
- Pledge income of over $276k is over $62k ahead of budget
- Rental income of over $21k is about $2k behind budget – this will be the case for the year, as multiple tenants informed us following the completion of our budget that they were no longer going to use our facilities.
- Total operating revenue of over $336k is $75k greater than budget.
- Expenses of $305k are $31k lower than budget.
- Net gain from operations was nearly $31k, a $106k improvement from the budgeted loss of $75k
- “Other income” over $197k ahead of budget due to investment performance…
- So our overall finances show a gain of over $103k vs a budgeted loss of $200k
- Balance Sheet (not shown) – Continues to look happy – Cash + Investments of nearly $3.0M, EXCLUDING about $140k that belong to either IMPACT or other designated funds of various congregational groups
- Comparable number from last year just over $2.6M
Fiscal Year Actual vs. Budget
July 1, 2024 to Nov. 30, 2024 24/25 Actual 24/25 Budget
Total Operating Revenue 336,281 261,293
Total Operational Expenses 305,367 336,159
Operational Surplus (Deficit) 30,715 (74,866)
Other Income/Expense* (Net) 72,864 (124,775)
* Investment Income & fees, unrealized gains/losses, depreciation, bequests
Revenue Breakdown
Through Nov. 30, 2024 24/25 Actual 24/25 Budget
Pledges 276,231 214,000
Rentals 21,178 23,126
Net Assets Used for Operations 19,158 12,292
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