Invitation to Black Lives UU Worship

For the first time since before the pandemic, BLUU community will gather for in-person worship, gratefully hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville in Rockville, MD! A gathering that will take place both onsite and online, we are going to enter the new year leaning into the uncertainty and possibility of wide-open spirit, wondering together how we can play with expansion and contraction in the context of spiritual practices that can help us stay rooted, while also sprouting.

BLUU’s worship services are Black Sacred Space in their entirety – by and for Black people, with the words and voices of Black folks across the diaspora. We WILL BE IN BLACK SACRED SPACE for the in-person and online gatherings! We hope that Black UUs and Black folks from far and wide who share our values will join us!

Sunday, January 14th at 4pm EST

UU Congregation of Rockville, MD

100 Welsh Park Drive

Rockville, MD 20850

For our non-Black siblings in faith, please DO share this invitation with Black folks in your life and community. Getting the word out about BLUU’s gatherings and other programming is one powerful way of lending your support, and we deeply appreciate it! The best way for congregations to support Black people in their desire to attend this Maryland gathering in person is to provide the funds (airfare + hotel accommodations, frequent flyer miles, etc.) for them to do that, and we absolutely encourage communities to care for their folks in these ways!

For those gathering virtually, feel free to come into the Zoom Room as early as 20 minutes before the start of the service to get settled, say hello to the folks who are already gathering, and listen to the music softly playing as we all prepare for our time together.

Join us for worship on January 14 at 4 p.m. Eastern in person or using this link.