It’s Budget Time at UUCC

UUCC Ministry Teams:

The Finance Committee is taking a different approach to budgeting this year with the goal of 1) having a mission based budget, 2) having a preliminary budget before the stewardship campaign kicks off, and 3) being transparent as to the process.

In order to accomplish this we need you to submit your budget request for the 24-25 year now. If you have not historically had a budget for your Ministry Team you may submit a request. Of course, requests are only that, a request. There is no promise of funding any specific requests. At the same time, there’s a guarantee of no funding if you don’t request. Actual funding of requests is dependent on the success of the stewardship campaign as well as priorities set by the board.

This request is for funds from the UUCC Operating Budget only.

Please use this form to request funding in the 24-25 Fiscal Year operating budget (7/1/24-6/30/25). You may submit more than one request for a ministry team. You will definitely need to complete two requests if you have both ongoing expenses as well as new requests.

The Finance Committee needs these submitted by Monday, February 5. Please help us get this information so that the Stewardship team has good information to work from.

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