Leadership Council Update December 2020

Meetings: 2020-11-12 and 2020-11-19

Items which were addressed by Leadership Council during our recent meetings:

  • Don Stimpert worked with the Finance Committee and Treasurer David Kantor to define Staff responsibility for expense line items in the UUCC Budget. The plan was presented to the Finance Committee and Board in October and rolled out to LC and Staff in November.
    • The Expense Line Items Owners document supports the LC and Staff decision making flow-charts to enable Staff to exercise reasonable amounts of autonomy and decision-making.
    • Each line item is clarified in terms of who can submit expenses and who reviews, approves, or oversees those expenditures
    • Some items are shared between multiple Staff members or Staff and the Minister, so the good communications and collaborations were stressed in the “review” process
    • The process relies on and reinforces existing UUCC limits for individual checks and expenses.
    • The basic procedures will be in place for at least 6 months and tweaked as needed during its roll out.
  • LC has been working to clarify Staff supervision issues and day-to-day operations to increase effectiveness, comfort levels and certainty. The decision making processes that are outlined in the flow charts and issues that cannot be readily resolved should be elevated to LC, via email if in between meetings.
  • Use of the Shaker and Lancashire Buildings continue to be discussed as the pandemic conditions change. In general, our guiding principles are:
    • All indoor UUCC-sponsored meetings, services, and presentations will be held virtually until it is safe to return to in-person gatherings (the definition of “safe” is under review)
    • Renters may continue to operate in the buildings within the requirements that UUCC, the State of Ohio, and the CDC have set for in-person interactions.
  • Plans are being formulated by the Worship Team and Staff for safe Christmas Eve services. A variety of options and programming are being considered and choices will need to be made, and possibly changed, depending on health and safety conditions as the holidays get closer.
  • Buildings and Grounds has drawn up its Charter and it is under review.
  • Staff have been asked to think about which of their tasks could be delegated to UUCC volunteers to help Staff prioritize their most important work.
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