Meetings: 2020-12-17 and 2021-01-07
Items which were addressed by Leadership Council during our recent meetings:
- The annual Auction will be remote again, possibly in April or May. This year Sharon Edmond may be the coordinator for the Auction with tasks done by volunteers. Some Auction items from 2020 have not been picked up. Sharon will notify winners with personal emails.
- Shirley Nelson is working with groups and individuals to acknowledge gifts to UUCC, particularly non-pledge cash donations as well as other sorts of gifts. Buildings & Grounds will take responsibility for pricing and determining the value of gifts such as furniture.
- Sue Lencewicz has set up a procedure to track rent payments in QuickBooks. She has copies of contracts for renters and recovery groups who use the building. Shirley will maintain copies of the contracts and agreements in a Google apps to make them more accessible. Shirley will work with renters who have late payments.
- New procedures were developed to support renters and groups who have problems with their rooms at the Shaker Building. A cell phone was purchased for use by the Custodians who will be the first point-of-contact. The phone will remain in the Shaker Building. The Custodians will notify Shirley about issues and resolutions and escalate any unresolved issues to her. A letter has been drafted to go to all renters letting them know about the new procedures for when there are problems with the building. They are also being updated about the hours that custodians are in the building.
- Don Stimpert surveyed Staff about the state of their computers. He has changed the Office 365 version on Staff computers to the free version provided by Microsoft to nonprofits. He is making sure staff computers are all Zoom-capable and have antivirus installed. There have been several reports of the wifi failing at the Shaker Building, even on days when there are very few users in the building.
- Staff has been asked to identify tasks which could be delegated to volunteers as appropriate.
- Cat White and Don Stimpert are working to get a better understanding about staff hours and workload. Cat created a spreadsheet for Shirley and Sharon to track their time on tasks for one month to provide some baseline data to inform ongoing discussions and decisions.
- The new format for the Weekly eBlast, which was designed by the Communications Committee and approved by the Board, was presented to the Staff, along with some general discussions about timing and possible support and training that will be needed.
- Ken Kuehm gave updates on a number of Buildings & Grounds items:
- A toilet on the second floor is leaking and parts have been ordered
- Heat in the pilates room has been a problem because the radiators are blocked. Space heaters have been provided.
- Repairs to the garbage disposal and ventilation fan in the kitchen are ongoing.
- The alarm system in the Shaker Building is being upgraded to a more modern and cost-effective system.
- Items of value are being moved from the Lancashire Building and evaluated. Items of use to UUCC are being moved to the Shaker Building.