Meetings: 2020-12-03 and 2020-12-17
Items which were addressed by Leadership Council during our recent meetings:
- Plans for Christmas Eve were discussed at length. The Christmas Eve caroling event will be weather-dependent. LC decided that Rev. Joe Cherry would make the final decision by noon on the 24th on holding the event. The decision will be shared with the Congregation via the website and social media.
- Don Stimpert led a discussion about staff members identifying tasks that could be reassigned to volunteers to free up staff for tasks that require their attention. He also followed up on budget line issues. Buildings & Grounds identified additional monthly financial reports that it needs and those have been delivered.
- Recent communications issues with Shaker tenants were discussed and a plan designed to improve future communications:
- The custodians will be the first point-of-contact for renters who are having facilities problems. Custodians will be reachable by email ([email protected]) or phone.
- Custodians will be provided with a shared cell phone that they can use while at Congregation’s Shaker Building. The phone number for the TracFone can be added to the website in early January. The voicemail will be checked for issues at the beginning of each shift.
- Office Administrator Shirley Nelson and Buildings & Grounds Chair Ken Kuehm will be the second points of contact for issues that cannot be immediately managed by the Custodians. The Custodians will call or email Shirley and Ken with details about the situation.
- Ken and Shirley will draft and send communications to renters about these new procedures.
- Cat White has started work on a UUCC Operations Manual. This will be a living document that will provide procedures and information on how to handle situations for which UUCC can plan for and be prepared to address. Topics include (other topics will be addressed as identified):
- Financial Procedure
- Rental Procedures
- Tech Procedures
- Communications
- Events
- Auction
- Potlucks
- Safety
- Disaster Recovery Plan
- Buildings & Grounds has been dealing with unexpected issues related to the recent heavy snow, including plowing, damaged trees, and roof leaks.
- Channel 5 used the Sanctuary again for more COVID-related interviews about community impact.
- There was a lengthy discussion about building access between Christmas and New Year’s. The Shaker building will be closed to renters except for Meals on Wheels from December 24 through January 3 (reopening on January 4). Hourly staff have shifted their hours for those days to days earlier in the month. No one is expected to work these three days, and they are not paid holidays.
- The Buildings & Grounds Committee has several active projects:
- Heat in the classroom used for Pilates
- Repairs or improvements on kitchen equipment
- Evaluation of the contents of the Lancashire building
- Possible update to the Shaker security system