Presidents Letter
Hello UUCC Members & Friends!
The following are important items from the August 24 Board meeting.
Bail Reform Endorsement
The board of trustees voted to endorse Senate Bill 182 and House Bill 315 which address the Bail Reform issue in Ohio. Over the past several years UUCC has had multiple opportunities – from newsletter articles to an Adult Religious Education Class – to learn about the negative consequences of cash bail for Ohioans. The Board sees this endorsement as a way of putting the Justice piece of our mission into words.
The board spent additional time discussing how and when we should address requests for endorsements. We will be building a process over the next months and will let you know when that is finalized. In the meantime, any request for endorsement needs to be made to the board at least a week before the regular board meeting (meetings are the 4th Tuesday), and needs to be specific as to what is being requested. Until we finalize our process requests can be directed to me – [email protected]
Buildings & Grounds
Over the years maintenance on the Shaker Building has been deferred due to tight finances. We’ve put up with leaks, cracks, and an iffy sound system. At this point the board finds UUCC with money in our unrestricted fund beyond our goal (we have greater than two years operating expenses – goal has been one year), plus we will likely have influx of substantial funds, particularly from the sale of the Lancashire Building this fiscal year. The board looked at this current position, our five-year financial plan, and the list of deferred maintenance projects, and voted to allocate an additional $156K from the unrestricted fund to high priority building projects. It’s essentially allocating money that we will receive from the sale of the Lancashire Building and putting it into the Shaker Building. This will insure roof repairs on the second floor and entry-way awnings, ceiling and floor repairs, parking lot repairs and repainting, an internal sound system, and repair of the front steps, as well as the purchase of air purifiers.
In fellowship,
Carol Gay, board president
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