Meetings: 2021-09-02 and 2021-09-16
2021 Operations Council Update for September 2021
Items which were addressed by the Operations Council during our recent meetings:
Regathering Procedures
1. The ReGathering Committee has continued to meet at least once every two weeks. It has produced a document to guide the Board in it’s decision regarding when UUCC could meet in-person indoors for Sunday Services. Until then, we will continue to meet outside for Sunday Services as long as weather permits, likely until early or mid-October.
2. We are in the process of purchasing HEPA air filters to improve the indoor air quality
3. We still need to recruit Ushers who will be critical in our having in-person indoor Sunday services.
4. It was decided that RE be treated as small group meetings with the Covid 19 requirements. RE is to start on 10/10/21. There will be childcare provided.
Sound system upgrade: Mike C. has been soliciting bids, has had two companies do on site evaluations and hopes to have a final decision soon.
Buildings and Grounds
1. All the new cameras are now tied into the monitors but we are working on having the capacity for staff to have access to them via their cell phones. Video information that the cameras see is being recorded and saved.
2. The contractor for repairing the roof and then the new ceiling tiles and floor tiles should start soon after they finish with their current customers.
3. A vendor for the carpet runners for both stairs has been selected. We are now trying to find the best sustainable carpeting.
4. A new tent has been set up to replace the one that the storm partially collapsed. The vendor honored their replacement guarantee so there was no cost for it.
1. There continues to be ongoing issues with internet connectivity which we are trying to resolve. The Tech Team has begun to meet and they are in the process of selecting a vendor to do an overall evaluation and plan for a major reworking of our systems.
Ray Gonzalez, ACSW, LISW
Change is Constant, Growth is Optional
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