Rust Belt Riders: Compost Food Waste

In April Ministry for Earth is Focusing on Food Waste. Composting unused food and inedible food waste such as bones, fat, peels rinds, egg shells etc is the best way to keep waste that can decompose, thus releasing methane, out of our land fills. Rust Belt Riders offers a solution by picking up compostable food waste at your house or by joining the drop off program in the UUCC Parking lot.

Biology rules! UUCC are invited to learn the biological underpinnings of effective garden compost in a Zoom talk by Rust Belt Riders Chief Technical Officer, Nathan Rutz. He will be speaking to an environmental group called Green Noble, of which UUCC members Debbie Wright and Tom Gibson are among the founders.  Given interest from other UUCC members, Green Noble has decided to open the meeting to any UUCC member who wishes to participate.  The Zoom address is:

Tom Gibson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Rust Belt Riders

Time: Apr 10, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 843 0296 2849

Passcode: 258415