Second Sunday Brunch and Congregational Marketplace

On February 11th during the Second Sunday Brunch The Leadership Development Committee invites you to participate in a congregational Marketplace!

Help us show and spread LOVE for one another and our community by sharing gifts of the HEART, HANDS, and HEAD in an exchange over a meal.

So what exactly is a “Marketplace”?
The MARKETPLACE brings to life our interconnectedness by acknowledging that we all have gifts and we all have value. When a diverse group of people gather in real life, real time exchange we take the time to:

  • See each other as part of a support network
  • Learn to ask for what we need and
  • Continually explore and reveal the value we have in our community/congregation

The Marketplace is an exchange where participants get to make a Request, an Offer, or a Declaration about something you may need support in or gifts you’d like to share. The purpose of the LDC hosted Marketplace is to build fellowship and community within the congregation. We need your presence to make this a success.

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