UUA Side with Love Action Team offers activities to nourish our spirits
This Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, there is so much weighing on our hearts. Our nation is again in the grips of an enormous surge in COVID cases, overwhelming our hospitals and destabilizing schools, businesses, and more. Voting rights legislation is being held hostage yet again by elected leaders who refuse to protect us from election sabotage and voter suppression. Cultural battles are making their way into courtrooms, legislative sessions, and school board meetings, with opponents to abortion care, transgender rights, and honest conversation about race and white supremacy dominating the news and social media.
If ever there were a time our spirits needed nourishment, it is now.
So in the midst of all that is hard, Side With Love is honored to invite you to join us in this year’s 30 Days of Love – our annual season of spiritual nourishment, political deepening, and collective action to embody our values and work for collective liberation.
Each week of 30 Days of Love will focus on one of Side With Love’s intersectional justice priorities. Although each week will have a primary focus, you will notice a lot of overlap – demonstrating just how intersecting these issues are. Every week will include a variety of resources, activities, and opportunities for engagement for people of all ages. Check out our offerings here.
In addition to the Multigenerational/Family Playlist that has been so popular in previous years, Side With Love is pleased to introduce a few new features this year, including a robust spiritual nourishment program led by our 30 Days of Love Minister-in-Residence, Rev. Ali KC Bell. We will also feature weekly opportunities to take concrete action for justice, both individually and collectively, through Side With Love’s Action Center. And finally, each week we will offer a live, interactive opportunity to sharpen our analysis through a Political Education event focused on one facet of the week’s theme. Finally, we will cap off the month with our Side With Love Sunday Worship Service (materials will be available on January 30).
More than anything, 30 Days of Love is an opportunity for us all to recharge our spirits and reconnect with hope through shared grounding, growth, and action. These offerings are our love letter to you, the faithful people who embody our shared values each and every day. We hope you will find them profoundly nourishing and that you will engage with them along with your family, your congregation, and our wider community. We are so excited to travel these 30 Days alongside all of you.
With our overflowing love for you,
The Side With Love Team
PS: This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, let’s honor Dr. King’s memory by keeping the pressure on our Senators to pass voting rights legislation and stop letting the filibuster hijack our democracy. Click here to make a free call to your Senators.
Unitarian Universalist Association
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United States