3rd Sunday Soul Matters

Meets 3rd Sunday after church in the Baker Room.

Open to new members.

What is Soul Matters: This small group will provide an opportunity to explore questions and ideas that relate to the monthly worship theme in a deeper way.  The remaining themes for this year: Feb.-Inclusion, Mar. -Trust, Apr.-Joy, May-Imagination, June-Freedom This group meets the 3rd Sunday of the month after service in the Baker Room, approximately 11:30 AM-12:45 PM.  We have materials specifically designed to prompt discussion, and may also find inspiration from the services to prompt lively discussion. 

This group meets monthly to discuss the monthly Soul Matters topic. Discussion is facilitated by Amy Collins. Please join us. We are welcoming new members. Please sign up to join this group https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44AFA62CA5FAC43-monthly1
or drop in and check us out.

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