Survey Report: UUCC Article II & General Assembly

On May 21, the UUCC General Assembly Delegates presented the results of the survey that all Members and Friends were invited to take. Questions covered proposed changes to Article II (updating the Unitarian Universalist Association Purpose, Inclusion, and Freedom of Belief statements and replacing the Principles with Values and Sources with Inspirations) and General Assembly topics.

Congregational participation was 10.3% (12.2% of Members), so the data collected is not truly representative of the congregation as a whole. The responses do, however, reflect a variety of opinions from individuals who have taken an interest in the significant changes which have been proposed to the UUA and our congregation.

You can read a copy of the report, including data and comments, here:

An up or down vote on the proposed revisions to Article II will take place during the UUA General Assembly in Pittsburgh June 21-25. If a majority of delegates (50%+1) approve, the proposal will be considered at the 2024 General Assembly after a year of work across the UUA and its member congregations. Adopting the proposed Article II would require approval by 2/3 of the delegates at the 2024 General Assembly.

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