Undoing White Supremacy Discussion: Sat 5-8 @ 3pm

UU’s across the nation and world will come together virtually in June for General Assembly (GA). Among the agenda items will be the discussion and vote on the Statement of Conscience (SOC): Undoing Systemic White Supremacy: A Call to Prophetic Action (https://www.uua.org/action/process/csais/draft-soc-undoing-systemic-white-supremacy).

Join Laurie Albright and Nancy King Smith for a discussion of the Statement and its implications for UUCC, and also to learn more about the opportunities at GA, including the Ware Lecture featuring Stacey Abrams. The SOC concludes, “As Unitarian Universalists living in a time of racialized violence, environmental crisis, and a democracy on the precipice of disaster, we must urgently engage in relationship building, internal growth and transformation, and wider justice action to undo systemic white supremacy and promote universalist equity and justice in our world.”

To join the discussion on Saturday, May 8, 3 pm, email [email protected] for the Zoom link.

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