Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio

Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio (UUJO) is a 501C3 organization that serves the 38 UU congregations and fellowships across Ohio. Their mission is to offer education, advocacy, and action consistent with Unitarian Universalist liberal religious principles and to witness with and on behalf of marginalized groups and individuals. Members of UUCC join this group to make our voices stronger. UUJO organizes and engages in the following:

  • Engage in Voter Advocacy: education, voter registration and support to get out the vote
  • Organize to amplify our voices for justice in public witness events
  • Engage in ongoing Ohio Statehouse education and testimony work to bring our UU voice to the state legislature
  • Support our Immigrant Transit Assistance teams in Ohio that greet asylum-seeking families with much needed food, water, diapers, and hygiene items
  • Coach and advise justice teams within congregations
  • Offer our Annual Assembly and Spring Justice Gatherings throughout the state
  • Expand our social media outreach to engage with more people within and beyond our congregations
  • Bring messages of  hope, justice and liberation to congregations and our wider  communities, Speaking Truth to Power in Ohio.

    Laurie Albright is a contact person if you want to know more. Tadd Pinkston is currently on the UUJO Board and Rina Shere is on the Nominating Committee.

    To receive the monthly “UUJO News” and timely updates on justice-related workshops, seminars, webinars and special UUJO “Calls to Action please sign up on their website.
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