Update from Building & Grounds

Second Floor Renovation – The following tasks have yet to be completed on the renovation of the second floor:
• Hanging of art work, photographs, etc.
• Painting of the bulkhead and area around the skylight
• Curtains on the window at the end of the hall
The intention is to complete these by the end of August. If anyone would like to contribute ideas to this effort, please contact Dell at [email protected]. We will be purchasing rolling scaffolding in order to complete the painting of the walls.

Slate Roof Repairs – The work on the slate roof repairs will begin in August. Contrary to what was previously reported, the old slate is not salvageable and cannot be used for repairs. The old slate tiles could be used for various kinds of art work, so if you want them or know of a good place to donate them, please let Dell know.

Canopy Removal – The canopy over the sidewalk will be removed in August, followed by renovation of the east and west parking lot-side entrances.

Wall Leaks in Room 108 – You may have noticed that the 6’ tall weeds and the bushes and trees have been removed from the space between the two south-side entrances. The waterproofing people will come to repair the underground wall during the week of July 22. The Ministry for Earth’s gardening crew will be organizing a Work Day in the fall to put down a lasagna mulch (cardboard and then soil) that will be left there all winter to kill the weeds. Another Work Day will be organized in the spring to plant low-growing native plants in that area.

Pollinator Gardens – If you stand near them for a few minutes, you will notice that the gardens are abuzz with pollinators – butterflies, many different types of bees, and various other insects. All this garden work is more than the current volunteers can handle. If you have any inclination to help with the pollinator gardens or the orchard, please contact Tom Gibson at [email protected].

Metal Folding Chairs – The 50+ black and brown metal folding chairs and their holding rack will be donated to Habitat’s Re-Store. The Re-Store folks will pick up the chairs on July 18.

Stairway Lighting and Safety Committee – In response to requests made at the Congregational Conversation about safety a few months ago, the following changes are being made:
• The lights over the stairwells will be replaced with lights matching the new ones over the stairwells on the southern side of the building.
• Another of those fixtures will be added to the passageway at the back of the stage to better light that area in case an emergency exit is required.
• The fixtures over the stairwells will be on at all times as required by building codes, so people will not have to search for light switches.
• The light switches in Fellowship Hall for fixtures that are not on at all times will be replaced with lighted switches so that they are easier to find for people whose sight may be compromised.
• The noses of the stairs will be painted so that the edges are more obvious to those who have trouble seeing.
• The threshold just beyond the dressing room by the stairs will have a caution sign put on it to alert people to the rise in the floor level at that spot.

Other Items on Hold – We have recently lost significant rental income because Cleveland Institute of Music, which has rented several rooms in our building for many years, believes their satellite sites are not used sufficiently to justify keeping them. All but 2 pianos (built circa 1968) are being removed. Those two will stay so that we can rent them to private instructors for lessons and recitals. These will be regularly tuned and maintained under the contract we have for maintaining the rest of our pianos through the music budget.

Playground – A young man who lives in the neighborhood is planning to renovate our playground as a project to earn his Eagle Scout rank. That will be happening between July 26 and August 9. He and a group supervised by him will be sanding, repairing, and staining the climbing structures and the seesaw. Anyone who would like to donate to this project can contribute by sending a check to Tim Ewing, 21931 Westchester Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44122.

Maintenance of Cisterns – Lou Salza has been single-handedly opening up and closing down the cisterns for several years and watering the pollinator garden with the water collected therein. At the ripe old age of 73-11/12ths, he no longer trusts his balance enough to get up on a ladder carrying and working with tools to get everything connected and disconnected. Lou will write up a detailed account of exactly what needs to be done when. Ryan McGuire and Cliff Wire will look at it and see if they might be able to take over that task.

IMPACT Tree – The IMPACT Program would like to recognize its long-term donors by planting a tree and putting a plaque next to it with their names describing what they have done. Two Amelanchier (or serviceberry) trees were purchased and planted on the east end of the driveway with additional surrounding plantings to follow.

Solar Panels and Chargers – There have been some problems with the solar EV chargers and some of the solar panels. Better Together was contacted and problems corrected.

Cleveland Heights Building Parking Lot – An 18’ x 20’ hole has appeared in the parking lot of the Cleveland Heights Building. Despite the caution tape, people – apparently from the apartments across the street – are still parking there. Ken has called Seal-Tech to have it repaired.

B & G Role in Strategic Plan – Cliff reported that he spoke to the Board at their most recent meeting about the importance of including the Building & Grounds Team in strategic planning.

UUA Climate Justice Revival – UUCC is one of many UU congregations across the country that will be participating in the Climate Justice Revival on September 28th and 29th. Nancy King Smith has organized a team to lead this event which has been approved by the Board and Rev. Randy and will include all members of the congregation, regardless of age, to look at how we can adapt to the changing climate, how we can envision a world where we make the best of the changes in order to build a better world for everyone. There will be activities, discussions, and movies. So far, the UUA has sent a skeleton structure for the two days so that we can begin to set things up. The content will be coming in August. This could be a bonding, life-changing experience for all.

We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation to be able to do something about it.

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