UUCC Financials Through February 29, 2024

Finance Committee Report

  1. Our financial performance is ahead of budget through eight months
    a. Pledge income of nearly $376k is over $50k ahead of budget
    b. Rental income YTD of nearly $38k is about $3k behind budget
    c. Total revenue YTD of $462k is nearly $34k ahead of budget of $429k
    d. Expenses YTD of $492k are about $5k greater than budget of $487k;
    i. No major expense category greatly variant from budget
    e. Net loss YTD from operations was $30k, $29k ahead of budgeted loss of $59k
    f. “Other income” positive performance primarily due to investment gains
  2. Balance Sheet (not shown) – Continues to look happy – Cash + Investments of over $2.75M, EXCLUDING about $150k that belong to either IMPACT or other designated funds of various congregational groups
    a. Comparable number from last year just under $2.6

Fiscal Year Actual vs. Budget

July 1, 2023 to Feb 29, 2024YTD ActualYTD Budget7/1/23- 6/30/24 Budget
Total Operational Revenue$462,236$428,553$636,558
Total Operational Expenses$491,852$487,175$729,865
Operational Surplus (Deficit)($29,616)($58,622)(93,307)
Other Income/Expense* (Net)$53,084$(184,488)$(277,960)
*Investment Income & fees, unrealized gains/losses, depreciation, bequests

Revenue Breakdown

Through Feb 29, 2024YTD ActualYTD Budget7/1/23- 6/30/24 Budget
Net Assets Used for Operations$28,567$44,078$66,105
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