UUCC needs 7 Delegates for General Assembly

The Unitarian Universalist Association’s annual meeting, General Assembly (GA) will be held Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024 and will be Virtual in 2024 with all content online. The UUCC Board adopted a process in 2022 to better organize the selection of delegates and the work they do prior to GA. It is the responsibility of the UUCC Board to designate up to 7 delegates for our congregation. Please note one may attend GA without serving as a delegate! Attending workshops, networking events and worship services are amazing experiences.
The deadline to apply to be a UUCC Delegate is Friday, March 1, 2024.
The business of the UUA is also conducted during the General Assembly and that’s where delegates come in. If you’d like to be considered, here are some expectations:
- Read and respond to all emails about GA business from the UUA throughout the Spring. Many changes to wording of proposals are worked out in advance of the GA itself.
- Participate in at least one informational/discussion meeting with the congregation at UUCC prior to GA to discuss known business resolutions, candidates for election, etc.
- Attend UUA Board-led Workshops virtually, generally in April
- Attend the mini assemblies virtually, generally one or two weeks before GA
- Attend all GA business sessions and vote electronically as directed
- With fellow delegates, provide feedback to the congregation after GA. This could be a written report, a pulpit announcement after consultation with the worship committee, a discussion, or another creative idea.
Scholarships to attend GA are available, both through the UUA and through UUCC.
Click here for more information about the delegate selection process. If you are interested in being a delegate, please complete the delegate interest form. For questions about being a delegate or about the process, contact the Board of Trustees at [email protected].
Please consider this great opportunity to learn what other UUs across the country are doing, enrich your leadership skills, and engage in powerful worship and actions of immediate witness.
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