Hello Members and Friends,

We are in the last week of the 2024 UUCC Stewardship campaign. Have you made your pledge? If so, thank you for making the annual commitment to support our spiritual community. If you have not made your pledge, now really is the time to do so – developing the congregation’s budget for the upcoming year is much more difficult if we’re just guessing about pledge income, which is by far the largest part of our annual revenue.
Stewardship Committee members will be at Coffee Hour on Sunday. You can drop off or complete your pledge card at that time (blank cards will be available). If you would like to speak with someone about your status or any concerns you may have that are causing you to delay your support, you can do that in person on Sunday or contact any member listed below.
We have reached 42% of our goal for the 2024-25 congregation year and we are continuing the trend of over half of the people who have pledged have increased their pledge amounts. Are you able and willing to pledge at that level?
On Sunday, March 24, UUCC Board member Jess Levy spoke to the congregation about his commitment to our congregation and gratitude for its transformation. Jess understands that our commitment and financial pledge are vital to continuing our growth and development. You can watch his video testimonial here or see his stewardship reflection from the March 24 Sunday Service.
If you are ready to pledge now, click on this link and complete the online pledge form.
In Fellowship with Gratitude,
The 2024-2025 UUCC Stewardship Committee
Sharon Edmond, Carol Gay, Ray Gonzalez, Dennis Grossman, David Kantor, Valerie McFadden, Rev. Randy Partain, Lou Salza, Don Stimpert, Cat White
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