Hello Members and Friends,

Many, many, thanks to all who organized, hosted, and attended Gratitude Gatherings in the past two weekends!
There were 7 Gatherings, 13 hosts, and wait for it………..125 congregants sharing fellowship, fun, good food and libations along with new and long time friends! Many thanks to Jenni and Randy who attended all parties and to every board member and stewardship committee member for attending and helping to make each gathering a special experience!—Special thanks to Carol Gay and the Gratitude Gathering Team for handling all manner of communications and organizational details.
Stewardship members held three hopes for the gatherings:
- First we wanted everyone to know how grateful we are for one another, and what each of us brings to the congregation.
- Second, we wanted to foster connections and fun for all members regardless of how long or short a time they have been a part of this remarkable community.
- Finally we wanted everyone to be aware of the important role each of us plays in keeping the Mission and Values of this congregation advancing through our generosity—specifically our pledges to the 2025-2026 fiscal year ahead.
This past Sunday, at the end of the service, Laurie Albright offered that she has been a member of the congregation for decades and that “her appreciation of this community has continued to grow throughout that time due to these 5 things:
- Offering weekly windows into becoming my best self in the world, living my values;
- Opportunities for leadership and organizing (I have learned so much);
- Offering support in raising our sons through the religious education program and mentoring;
- Developing a network of some of the best friends in the world, and;
- Multiple ways to create more justice right here in Cuyahoga County by joining with others inside and outside our community.
- [UUCC is] truly a one stop shop for me and my family in all the domains that are fundamentally important to me!”
Laurie’s testimonial was touching to hear—and inspires each of us to consider our own list of things we appreciate about this community.
- What brought us to UUCC?
- What keeps us here?
- How will we show our gratitude for each other?
- What will we do to deepen spirituality, build a safe community, and advance justice?
- And how generous a pledge will we make to sustain and advance the mission, values and people of UUCC?
Laurie advises us to try “to give until it feels good”.
Please pledge generously!
With Deep Gratitude and Abiding Fellowship;
The 2025-2026 Stewardship Committee
Full link to pledge card: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6ghoW8ufP1oUcdzmmKULr22Fge72VFcowa_tK2o6QsAbd8A/viewform?usp=header
Tinyurl: https://tinyurl.com/uuccpledge26
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