UUCC Stewardship Corner

We extend deep gratitude to all who have sent in their pledge cards!  Your pledge matters—and it is appreciated! Thanks to you, we have reached $228,330 of our $600,000 goal! This week we pass the halfway mark towards our Stewardship Campaign which ends on March 31st —so please get your pledge in as soon as you can!  Every pledge counts! 

At the end of our service on Sunday Margaret Nash offered her thoughts about belonging to our congregation and supporting its mission in our community. 

She shared:  

“I have been a member of UUCC for about four years, and I am committed to UUCC as my spiritual home. What I want in a spiritual home is to be encouraged and helped to be my best self – to be open-hearted and giving, to treat others well, to be involved in social justice work, to be more aware of the connectedness of all living things, and to think deeply about big questions….

  • I get encouragement to be my best self through witnessing so many members of this congregation fighting for justice in the world, in the nation, and in our community. 
  • Their example of living out our values encourages me to do what I can to promote justice. I feel such pride to be part of a congregation that is so actively engaged in this work.
  • I get a spiritual uplift at choir rehearsal when Mike tells us that singing together is a sacred act. To me that means that we connect with something bigger than ourselves, or maybe with the best in ourselves.
  • I believe that we are committed to the welfare of this place and to each other, and that we will do our best to make it right again.
  • I trust in us  because we have crafted a covenant of how to be together. 
  • I trust in us because we are a congregation that continues to learn and grow, that continues to expand its communal heart.”

Margeret concluded:

“UUCC is a place of friendship, laughter, and joy. Without those things, there is little point to any of the rest of it. As one of my favorite radicals, Emma Goldman, once said: “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.”
For all of these reasons, and many more, I am happy to be a contributing member of UUCC!”

Thank you, Margaret, for articulating so beautifully the benefits we share in this remarkable community! 

 And Happy St. Patrick’s Day! There is an Irish Blessing which says something like: “ Sow in the spring, to reap in the autumn”. It’s perfect for all of us at UUCC!

Please pledge as generously as you can, now, as Spring approaches, so that we may see the benefits of our mission this Autumn and in the year ahead—to build community, deepen spirituality, and advance justice. 

Join Margaret and all our fellow congregants who have sent in their pledges! Support UUCC and make as generous a pledge as you can!

 With Gratitude, In Fellowship;

Members of the 2025-2026 Stewardship Campaign

Full link to pledge card: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6ghoW8ufP1oUcdzmmKULr22Fge72VFcowa_tK2o6QsAbd8A/viewform?usp=header

Tinyurl: https://tinyurl.com/uuccpledge26

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