UUCC Stewardship Corner – Final Week of Our Stewardship Campaign

Many thanks to all who have made a pledge to support the 2025-2026 Stewardship Campaign! Your pledge is important and your support matters!  We have received 91 pledges which total $338,925. We are 56.5% of the way to our goal with four days to go in 2025-2026 Pledge Campaign. Thank you!

According to Lynne Twist in her book The Soul of Money, “We often philosophize about the great unanswered questions in life. It is time we looked instead at the unquestioned answers.”

During Sunday’s worship service, Jay Youngless offered compelling testimony regarding his family’s commitment to the UUCC congregation. He too contemplated questions that so many of us share: 

I was asked if I would be willing to share a testimonial relating why I decided to join the church [and] why I give of my time and resources. So why? It turns out for me at least answering ‘why’ wasn’t as easy a question to resolve as I thought it would be. I found myself repeating over and over ‘Why did I join the church? Why do I give? Why UU? Why did I join? Why? Why? Why?

He pondered “Rev.Randy‘s uplifting and engaging messaging, Jenni‘s thought-provoking stories, the heart swell [he] often feels when the choir performs. 

I’ve actually gotten answers to a few questions I’ve had for quite some time, but perhaps more importantly, I’ve developed questions to some of what I thought were answers and that’s why I’m here. I can’t think of too many other spiritual paths outside of Unitarian Universalism that seem not only to accept, but to encourage humanity’s inquisitive nature. It’s refreshing!

So as we each ask ‘why?’ of ourselves and examine our own commitments, let’s be mindful of what Jay so insightfully shared. UUCC has brought us together to raise up our questions, honor our inquisitiveness, celebrate our differences and identities, and share our journeys with gratitude and appreciation for our common humanity. 

How important is it in the midst of the upheaval and uncertainty around us to support this spiritual community committed to generosity and justice? 

What is required from each of us in our particular circumstances to sustain this unusual and necessary sanctuary? 

Now is the time for you to make your pledge to our congregation, if you haven’t already. The campaign ends on Monday, March 31. You can make your pledge by any of the following – Mailing back your pledge card, bringing your pledge card with you to the service on Sunday, March 30 (where we will have people in coffee hour collecting them), or submitting your pledge online https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6ghoW8ufP1oUcdzmmKULr22Fge72VFcowa_tK2o6QsAbd8A/viewform?usp=header

If you didn’t receive your stewardship packet please email [email protected], or stop by our table in Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 30.

With gratitude and in fellowship,

The 2025-2026 Stewardship Committee

Full link to pledge card: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6ghoW8ufP1oUcdzmmKULr22Fge72VFcowa_tK2o6QsAbd8A/viewform?usp=header

Tinyurl: https://tinyurl.com/uuccpledge26

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