Pride for All Ages January 2025

Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets the 4th Sunday of every month from 11:30-12:30 in the Baker Room. Our next meeting is January 26. Join us!

UUs Together January: Countering an unstoppable narrative

Join UUs Together January meeting: How do we counter a narrative that seems unstoppable? With the incoming administration promoting policies and actions that strongly conflict with our values and will harm many people, it is seductive to feel paralyzed. Yet we know we have personal and group agency, and can be mobilized to put out … Continue reading UUs Together January: Countering an unstoppable narrative

Antisemitism: What Gave it Birth? What Sustains It? How To Eliminate It?

Speaker: Rabbi Roger Klein, Congregation Mishkan Or, a new synagogue community of The Temple-Tifereth Israel and Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple.    While the origins of antisemitism lie in factors as diverse as the crucifixion of Jesus and rules restricting occupations and land ownership, today's prejudices are fueled by different factors. What sustains these toxic attitudes, … Continue reading Antisemitism: What Gave it Birth? What Sustains It? How To Eliminate It?

Presidential Voting Systems: Is the Electoral College the Best Method?

Speaker: Robert Alexander, PhD, Political Science, Founding Director, Bowling Green State University Democracy and Public Policy Research Network The US Constitution dictates the Electoral College must determine the President and Vice President. Thus, each state has the same number of electors as members of Congress.  In 2000 and 2016, the Presidential Election produced a winner … Continue reading Presidential Voting Systems: Is the Electoral College the Best Method?

Immigration: Net Drain or Net Gain? Effects of Illegal Immigration on America

Speaker(s): Richard Herman, JD, Founder, Herman Legal Group, Champion of Immigrant Rights and Economic Revitalization Through Immigration; Co-Author, Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy Immigration: Net Drain or Net Gain? Effects of Illegal Immigration on AmericaWe have heard about the perils and hardships that people fleeing war-torn and famine-stricken areas endure … Continue reading Immigration: Net Drain or Net Gain? Effects of Illegal Immigration on America

Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Speaker: Grant Goodrich, Executive Director, CWRU Great Lakes Energy Institute According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Ohio is among the top 10 states for total energy consumption; however, Ohio ranks 40th out of 50 states in the race toward renewable energy progress. In 2021, just 4% of the state’s electricity was supplied by renewables, … Continue reading Route to a Cleaner Energy Ohio

Save the Date – Women’s Weekend at Punderson

Mark your calendars now and save some time to enjoy the company of other UU women at Punderson State Park. It's a casual weekend with little or no programming. April 25, 4 p.m.-Aprill 27, 10 a.m. You are welcome to come for part or all of that time. Circle the dates!

100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration

Moderator: TBD Many Americans foresaw a catastrophic collapse of a lawfully governing democracy under a Trump administration, while a slightly larger percentage anticipated a golden age marked by the creative dismantling of dysfunctional governmental systems. So … how’s it going? Is democracy holding up? How’s the economy? What’s the state of immigration, the environment, healthcare, … Continue reading 100 Days In: An Open Floor Discussion on the Trump Administration