Plastics Are in Us

Speaker(s): Randi Pokladnik, PhD, retired Research Chemist, Environmental Activist; Emily Obringer, Conservation Program Coordinator, Sierra Club In an attempt to move from carbon-based fuels, including Ohio-fracked natural gas and oil, the petrochemical industry is offering Ohioans an opportunity to utilize excess fracked material for manufacturing products such as plastic and resins on the Ohio River … Continue reading Plastics Are in Us

Politics, Policy & Economic Action

Speaker: Mark Sniderman, PhD, CWRU Weatherhead School of Management, former Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland The Federal Reserve raised interest rates 5 times in 2022. How much more will the Fed need to raise interest rates to control inflation, and where will that rate likely settle? What are the implications for long-term … Continue reading Politics, Policy & Economic Action

Test Event with New Plugin

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland 21600 Shaker Boulevard, Shaker Heights, United States

A short test excerpt.

Permaculture Garden/Orchard Maintenance Help Wanted

A good-humored group of people trims, weeds, plants, and putters from 10 AM to Noon or so on Wednesdays. We welcome your help and your company.  Can't come every week? That is OK! Come when you can. Bring yourself and your favorite tools and maybe some water. Have questions? Contact Tom Gibson or Dan Homans.

DRUMM Public Worship

DRUUMM Public Worship

When: 11 May 2023 8:00 PM, EDT
Where: Join us via Zoom OR Livestream
May 11th, 2023
8:00 PM Eastern

“Through the Roof” Celebration, May13th

Join us in celebrating the congregants and congregations that participated in the”Through the Roof” Congregational Challenge on Monday, May 13, 7 pm., in Fellowship Hall. Learn more and see the list of participants here:  

Linking Legacies concert at UUCC

Be sure to join us at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 14th for Linking Legacies, a free musical event celebrating the music of Black Americans. Linking Legacies will be held in the Sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland (21600 Shaker Boulevard), and will feature Christopher Jenkins (viola), Khari Joyner (cello), Steven Weems (tenor), and … Continue reading Linking Legacies concert at UUCC