UU Taboos: Salvation

The words we use matter. But the words we don’t use matter too. I have been hoping to find a way to talk about words and what is wrapped up in them, especially when our spirituality is at issue. Here’s my attempt at that: a set of conversations about some of the words we don’t … Continue reading UU Taboos: Salvation

UU Taboos: Evangelize

The words we use matter. But the words we don’t use matter too. I have been hoping to find a way to talk about words and what is wrapped up in them, especially when our spirituality is at issue. Here’s my attempt at that: a set of conversations about some of the words we don’t … Continue reading UU Taboos: Evangelize

Spring Clean out Dumpster Arrives

  Dumpster will be available starting June 26th Attention Everybody! Congregational Members, Staff, Teachers and Renters UUCC Operation Council and the Building & Grounds Team are going to do a “purge-cleanout” of spaces and closets in the Shaker Building.  In particular we are want to clear off the stage. We have schedule a 20-30 yard … Continue reading Spring Clean out Dumpster Arrives

UUCC Freecycle 2023

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland 21600 Shaker Boulevard, Shaker Heights, United States

Don’t throw it away. Give it away. Bring things in decent condition (nothing broken, torn or otherwise unusable) and put them on tables outside the Church and SWAP. if you would like a table contact [email protected]. Set up 9 am – 9:45 am Shop after church from 11:15 pm to 12:15 pm Volunteers welcome and … Continue reading UUCC Freecycle 2023

Outdoor concert with Moises Borges and Friends

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland 21600 Shaker Boulevard, Shaker Heights, United States

  Join us on Sunday, July 9th for a special musical treat! You're encouraged to bring a picnic lunch (and maybe some to share) for after the service, and then Brazilian jazz guitarist and singer Moises Borges will perform a live concert on the east lawn (or in Fellowship Hall in case of rain), beginning … Continue reading Outdoor concert with Moises Borges and Friends

Obon Japanese Festival

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland 21600 Shaker Boulevard, Shaker Heights, United States

Come one - come all! Cleveland Buddhist Temple is hosting the special celebration here at the UUCC on July 16th. Come join us and be part of the fun! CBT - Obon 2023 Flyer

Farewell to Aaron

Aaron Fountain is moving to Washington DC for his new position at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. He has been active with us, participating in the Class Conscious workshop and offering speaking events and a tour of the African American Civil Rights Trail in Cleveland, which he helped to create … Continue reading Farewell to Aaron