Proposals Reviewed at Board Meeting
Details TBD
Details TBD
On Sunday, July 2nd around 11:30 after the Sunday Service Shirley Nelson will be facilitating a Labyrinth Walk
Details TBD
Don’t throw it away. Give it away. Bring things in decent condition (nothing broken, torn or otherwise unusable) and put them on tables outside the Church and SWAP. if you would like a table contact Set up 9 am – 9:45 am Shop after church from 11:15 pm to 12:15 pm Volunteers welcome and … Continue reading UUCC Freecycle 2023
Join us on Sunday, July 9th for a special musical treat! You're encouraged to bring a picnic lunch (and maybe some to share) for after the service, and then Brazilian jazz guitarist and singer Moises Borges will perform a live concert on the east lawn (or in Fellowship Hall in case of rain), beginning … Continue reading Outdoor concert with Moises Borges and Friends
Come one - come all! Cleveland Buddhist Temple is hosting the special celebration here at the UUCC on July 16th. Come join us and be part of the fun! CBT - Obon 2023 Flyer
Aaron Fountain is moving to Washington DC for his new position at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. He has been active with us, participating in the Class Conscious workshop and offering speaking events and a tour of the African American Civil Rights Trail in Cleveland, which he helped to create … Continue reading Farewell to Aaron
Coal and Empire: The Birth of Energy Security in Industrial America The fascinating history of how coal-based energy became entangled with American security.
Did you enjoy learning about Project Linus during coffee hour on Sunday? Join the needlers on Saturday August 5 in the Library and start a baby blanket to donate. All are welcome! Who are the needlers: Read More
T-shirts with Side with Love on the front and our congregational logo on the back are available for order in the size you want, on Sundays during coffee hour. They are a bargain at $15. Hope to put the order in after August 20th.
Mark your calendar and plan to join us on the lawn of East View UCC, 17300 Van Aken Blvd. for our annual Porch Talk! This event is co-sponsored by Heights Christian Church, East View UCC, and Plymouth UCC. This year’s event will be at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 12, at the site where the Rev. Dr. Martin … Continue reading Porch Talks For A Beloved Community Returns August 12, 2023!
T-shirts with Side with Love on the front and our congregational logo on the back are available for order in the size you want, on Sundays during coffee hour. They are a bargain at $15. Hope to put the order in after August 20th. If you are not coming to the service contact Suzanne Zilber … Continue reading Side with Love T-Shirt Sale