October Food & Fellowship
Fall is in the AIR. The Leaves are TURNING. And Harry’s Kitchen Crew is BACK for another year! We are offering the following Menu: Butternut Squash Soup topped with Pumpkin Seed, Chopped Salad, Roasted (marinated) Chicken Thighs, Roasted Brussel Sprout, Simple Dessert, Apple Cider, Coffee and Ice Water. So, UUs come stay a while after … Continue reading October Food & Fellowship
The Fifth Estate: 21st Century Watchdogs
Join in person or via Zoom Speakers: Mark Naymik, Managing Editor, News, Signal Cleveland digital newsletter; Phil Trexler, Editor-in-Chief, The Marshall Project-Cleveland. With financial constraints on print newspapers of the traditional Fourth Estate, society has seen the rise of a Fifth Estate - digital media. How do digital journalists ensure accountability as watchdogs? What are … Continue reading The Fifth Estate: 21st Century Watchdogs
Circle Suppers October 21, 2023
Circle Suppers are Coming - Saturday, October 21!Please join fellow UUCCers at a Circle Supper on Saturday, October 21! Circle Suppers are a meal at a congregant’s home with a small group of UUCCers - those who are new to UUCC, those who have been around forever, and those in between. It is a great … Continue reading Circle Suppers October 21, 2023
Pride for All Ages
Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets on Sunday, July 23 in the Baker Room following the service.
Boundaries Workshop
On Sunday, October 22, from 1:30-3:00PM, Rev. Randy Partain will facilitate a special virtual workshop focusing on boundaries in a congregational setting. The skills and insights can also apply to personal boundaries in other areas of life. Boundaries define what we allow and what we create. In our personal lives, boundaries are in important way … Continue reading Boundaries Workshop
UUCC 2023 Auction Donation Deadline
The UUCC Golden Ticket Auction will be on Saturday, November 4. Our annual auction fundraiser is not only a time-honored tradition but also a vital source of funding for our congregation's programs and initiatives. It is through your generosity and support that we are able to continue making a positive impact in our community. This … Continue reading UUCC 2023 Auction Donation Deadline
UUs Together: Bathroom bill & more
Join UUs from West Shore UU, Southwest UU, as well as fellow UUCCers virtually Monday October 23 from 7-8:30pm. An important and urgent topic is LGBTQ+ rights, in particular the impact of right-wing hate speech and discriminatory state legislation now being directed at the transgender community and their families. We would like to gain more … Continue reading UUs Together: Bathroom bill & more
UU Together: Bathroom Bill and more
Join UUs from West Shore UU, Southwest UU, as well as fellow UUCCers virtually Monday October 23 from 7-8:30pm. An important and urgent topic is LGBTQ+ rights, in particular the impact of right-wing hate speech and discriminatory state legislation now being directed at the transgender community and their families. We would like to gain more … Continue reading UU Together: Bathroom Bill and more
October 2023 UUCC Board Meeting
UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All Congregation Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, except when an Executive … Continue reading October 2023 UUCC Board Meeting
GCC Launches Medical Debt Relief Campaign
B’nai Jeshurun Congregation 27501 Fairmount Blvd,, Beachwood, Ohio, United StatesEngageGCC Assembly Is Thursday, October 26 at 7pm B'nai Jeshurun Congregation27501 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44124 If you’re interested in attending, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/SeHrRzAZdkCPdgnz7At the September EngageGCC Assembly hosted by UUCC, medical debt as an action issue was discussed. RIP Medical Debt has been engaged to relieve unpaid medical debt in Cleveland. They … Continue reading GCC Launches Medical Debt Relief Campaign
Samhain Celebration
The UUCC Earth-Centered Spirituality Group will be holding a Samhain celebration on Sunday, October 29th at 6:00 p.m.
Samhain is the Feast of the Ancestors. It is also the New Year in the Celtic tradition. We will honor our ancestors and spend time contemplating the turning of the Wheel into the new year.