Second Sunday Brunch and Congregational Marketplace

On February 11th during the Second Sunday Brunch, with food from the fabulous Harry's Kitchen Crew, the Leadership Development Committee invites you to participate in a Congregational Marketplace! Brunch Let's see… Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck all agree that an Early Spring is coming. So, Harry Kitchen Crew is offering another in "Springful" Lunch this … Continue reading Second Sunday Brunch and Congregational Marketplace

Circle Suppers are Coming

Please join fellow UUCCers at a Circle Supper on Saturday, February 17! Circle Suppers are a meal at a congregant’s home with a small group of UUCCers – those who are new to UUCC, those who have been around forever, and those in between. It is a great opportunity to have good food and conversation … Continue reading Circle Suppers are Coming

Side with Love T-shirts available

Side with Love T-shirts:
There are 3 extra-large and 3 small t-shirts left for sale at $15 a shirt or for free.  A congregant has offered to pay for any who cannot afford to buy them. 

Film Discussion: Origin

Film Discussion at UUC:sponsored by the UUCC Racial Justice Leadership TeamSunday, Feb 18, 11:45-12:45 PM  Room 106 If people want to participate by Zoom, they can email Suzanne at   The film "Origin" is both heartfelt and instructive about how caste systems have operated in the US, Germany, and India. It is a biographical film of the … Continue reading Film Discussion: Origin

Setting the Record Straight: Don’t Believe the Hype — Hip Hop @ 50.

Setting the Record Straight: Don't Believe the Hype — Hip Hop @ 50. Read More about this programThe events are free. However you must register. Click on the link above for information on the two day program and the link to register found on the website and/or below for in-person or virtual.   The hybrid … Continue reading Setting the Record Straight: Don’t Believe the Hype — Hip Hop @ 50.

February Listening Circle: Values

Our February Values Listening Circle will be in-person in the Baker Room (Room 213). We’ll respond to the proposed revision of how we frame our values, focusing on Equity. Sign up here:

UUs Together features the Poor People’s Campaign!

UUs Together has invited Ohio Poor People's Campaign Tri-Chair David Guran to present at our next Zoom meeting on Monday February 26, 2024, 7-8:30pm. Dave will give an action overview and talk about how we can join or support the mass mobilization.

February 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All Congregation Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, except when an Executive … Continue reading February 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

February Listening Circle: Vision

Our February Vision Listening Circle will be held over Zoom. We’ll explore our hopes and vision for the congregation. Sign up here:

Why Is It So Expensive to Be Poor?

Speakers: Emily Campbell, President & CEO, Center for Community Solutions; Chris Knestrick, Executive Director, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH). In the past 50 years there have been dramatic accomplishments in science, medicine and IT. Yet nearly 10% of the U.S. population continues to live in poverty. The line curves slightly up and down … Continue reading Why Is It So Expensive to Be Poor?