Pride for All Ages

Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets on Sunday, July 23 in the Baker Room following the service.

UUs Together: Fair Wage Campaign OHIO!! virtual meeting

Join UUs Together virtually this month to learn about the Fair Wage campaign in Ohio. Haven't heard of it? All the more reason to join us. This is a proposed constitutional amendment, currently gathering signatures (the same process as the anti-gerrymanding/fair districts campaign). Learn about this movement to raise the minimum wage (note: if the … Continue reading UUs Together: Fair Wage Campaign OHIO!! virtual meeting

March 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All Congregation Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, except when an Executive … Continue reading March 2024 UUCC Board Meeting

Free concert in our sanctuary- Classical Guitar with Suvan Agarwal

Join us in the UUCC Sanctuary on Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 p.m. for a free concert with classical guitarist Suvan Agarwal, who is currently a graduate student at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Suvan will perform works of Robert Schumann and Johann Sebastian Bach. Suvan Agarwal is an American guitarist with international experience. He has … Continue reading Free concert in our sanctuary- Classical Guitar with Suvan Agarwal


Needlers meet in Library

Do you enjoy doing handwork with others?  Want to learn a new skill, or get advice from others with more experience? Do you just want to gather with others, meet new people, have a lively conversation? We Meet on the 1st Saturday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm in the UUCC library. This is an open group. … Continue reading Needlers meet in Library

Immigrants: Burden, Blessing, Duty?

Speakers: James Nichols, and Dana Beveridge, both Staff Attorneys, Migration and Refugee Services, Cleveland Catholic Charities.  Major religions affirm a duty to the displaced. Our economy needs willing workers, and we need the earnings of young workers to support our aging population. Yet the media focuses on the menace of unwelcome immigrants, and support systems … Continue reading Immigrants: Burden, Blessing, Duty?

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt! Many folks are out of town on Easter Sunday, so we’re going to do an Egg Hunt on April 7th! During the end of the service, our middle and high school youth will help with the hiding, and then during YRE on 4/7 we’ll gather to hunt! We’ll have eggs to find … Continue reading Easter Egg Hunt

Exploring Restorative Justice for Cleveland: Movie and Discussion

MOVIE NIGHT AND COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONJOIN US!Thursday, April 11, 6:00-8:30 pmDoors Open at 6:00 pm for Light Refreshments and PizzaFeaturing short video: “Why Do We Need Restorative Justice?” from Brave New FilmsFeaturing film: “Healing Justice” from World TrustCOLLINWOOD RESOURCE AND RECREATION CENTER16300 Lakeshore Blvd.Cleveland OH 44110Plenty of free adjacent parkingChild Care providedHosted by the Restorative Justice … Continue reading Exploring Restorative Justice for Cleveland: Movie and Discussion

Cross Racial Women’s Social Trust Retreat

The Bridging, Bonding, and Building Women's Social Trust Retreat
Provided by Getting to We

Join in a transformative, competency-building, fun experience designed to enhance social trust as a foundational aspect of a strong coalition of women invested in gender solidarity to advance racial equity.

Wacky, Wise and Wonderful Women of UUCC: Punderson State Park Retreat

All who identify as a woman are invited to join us at Punderson State Park! Where11755 Kinsman Rd, Newbury Township, OH 44065WhenThe dates are 4/19 starting at 4:00 pm through 4/21 ending at 10:00 am. Stay 1 night, 2 nights or just one day. This is a great way to bond with each other and … Continue reading Wacky, Wise and Wonderful Women of UUCC: Punderson State Park Retreat