
Did you enjoy learning about Project Linus during coffee hour on Sunday? Join the needlers on Saturday August 5 in the Library and start a baby blanket to donate. All are welcome! Who are the needlers: Read More

Side with Love T-Shirt Sale

T-shirts with Side with Love on the front and our congregational logo on the back are available for order in the size you want, on Sundays during coffee hour. They are a bargain at $15. Hope to put the order in after August 20th.

Side with Love T-Shirt Sale

T-shirts with Side with Love on the front and our congregational logo on the back are available for order in the size you want, on Sundays during coffee hour. They are a bargain at $15. Hope to put the order in after August 20th. If you are not coming to the service contact Suzanne Zilber … Continue reading Side with Love T-Shirt Sale

Side with Love T-Shirt Sale

T-shirts with Side with Love on the front and our congregational logo on the back are available for order in the size you want, on Sundays during coffee hour. They are a bargain at $15. Hope to put the order in after August 20th.

UUs Together Summer Picnic! Sunday August 20th

West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, Ohio, United States

Please mark your calendar for a Cleveland UUs Together picnic at West Shore after church on Sunday, August 20 from 1:00 to 3:00pm. We will join our fellow UUs from West Shore UU and Southwest UU. It is our second annual (we hope) picnic following last summer's inaugural picnic at UUCC. This is an opportunity … Continue reading UUs Together Summer Picnic! Sunday August 20th

Karin Tooley with The Don Disantis Band play at Cain Park

Music Talent Of Cleveland Presents:Sunday Afternoon Concert Series in the Evans Amphitheater DON DISANTIS QUINTETThe Don Disantis Band has been providing entertainment for appreciative audiences at lounges, country clubs, private parties, weddings and summer concerts for the past 30 years. The talented musicians can play a wide range of music including those standards of Sinatra, … Continue reading Karin Tooley with The Don Disantis Band play at Cain Park

The Northeast Ohio “Climate Fresk” workshop

UUCC Fellowship Hall 21600 Shaker Blvd., Shaker Height, Ohio, United States

The Northeast Ohio Climate Fresk is a workshop that provides quality climate education in an interactive, game-style format, followed by group discussion and reflection, current regional climate plan information, and additional engagement opportunities. 

August 2023 UUCC Board Meeting

UUCC is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for determining and upholding the mission and vision of our congregation, as well as for making financial and legal decisions. The Board of Trustees meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All Congregation Members are welcome to attend Board meetings, except when an Executive … Continue reading August 2023 UUCC Board Meeting

Pride for All Ages

Pride for All Ages, an intergenerational group for LGBTQ+ people, meets on Sunday, July 23 in the Baker Room following the service.

Ingathering/Water Ceremony

We welcome special musical guests Emma's Revolution on September 10 for this year's Ingathering/Water Ceremony! Bring your water (and all of who you are) into this special ritual of grounding and renewal. Plan to arrive early, as there will be special music to start our service beginning at 10:00!