Politics and Polling: What Went Wrong?

Speakers: Tom Sutton, Political Science Professor, Baldwin Wallace and Director, Community Research Institute. Biden’s margin of victory was half what had been predicted in 2020.  Less than 6% of survey respondents answer phones due to robocalls.  Internet polling samples based on income, race, age, or education, pose formidable challenges. Much of democracy depends on being … Continue reading Politics and Polling: What Went Wrong?

Small Businesses: Chronicling the Effects of Covid-19

Speaker(s): Bob Rosenbaum, Advertising and Market Development, Heights Observer; Melissa Hirsch, Owner, Unbar Café, Shaker Heights; Katie Van Dyke, Director, CSU Ohio Small Business Development Center, Cleveland. Amazon’s profit last quarter: 5.2 billion; Walmart’s recent profits: 1 billion/month. While these earnings show huge gains, the pandemic has particularly hit small business. Many have closed. How can small … Continue reading Small Businesses: Chronicling the Effects of Covid-19

Telemedicine and Health Care Technology: Am I Satisfied?

Speakers: David Lopez, MD, President and CEO, Psychiatry Networks; Mark Rood, Family Medicine Specialist, Cleveland Clinic. How has Telemedicine affected your healthcare? It saves time and reduces cost. But what about Medicare coverage, lab tests, insurance reimbursement or disadvantaged communities? Have we rushed too far too fast? What does the future hold?

Earth Day Stories from Ohio’s Gasland

Speakers: Dr. Debbie Cowden, MD, Director, Ohio Health Project and Board Member, Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future (FaCT); Ted Auch, Ph.D, .Director, FracTracker Alliance, Great Lakes Program. What's it like to live over a gas fracking well…. or near an injection well? There are 2,400 fracked wells in East Ohio Gasland's 5 million … Continue reading Earth Day Stories from Ohio’s Gasland

Voting, Redistricting, & Political Power: What’s at Stake?

Speaker(s): Mark Salling, Professor, CSU College of Urban Affairs and Chairman, Cleveland Census Statistical Areas Committee; Freda Levenson, Legal Director, Ohio ACLU Voting rights are under attack.  Over 45 states have introduced 360 bills to restrict voting.  The new Ohio House and Senate redistricting maps should be introduced in mid-September.  Will they follow voter-approved rules … Continue reading Voting, Redistricting, & Political Power: What’s at Stake?

The National Economy: Future Bumps in the Road?

Speaker(s): Mark Sniderman, CWRU Weatherhead School of Management and former Executive Vice-President, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. How is the US economy recovering from the Covid 19 pandemic?  Rising real estate prices, inflation, and help wanted signs are everywhere. Given the trillions spent on economic aid to the US population, when will the debt ceiling … Continue reading The National Economy: Future Bumps in the Road?

A World in Crisis: A Rousing Sanibel Discussion

Speaker: Mark Weber, former Dean, Kent State University Libraries, and member, UU Congregation of Cleveland. Today's issues are overwhelming. Join us for an interactive, engaging "Sanibel Discussion" on today's current events. What community issues do you want to discuss? Audience members have up to 90 seconds to give their opinion and re-focus the discussion. Via … Continue reading A World in Crisis: A Rousing Sanibel Discussion

Intersection of Religion & Politics

Speaker(s): Randy Partain, Minister, UU Congregation of Cleveland; Elliott Ingersoll, Professor, CSU Department of Counseling, Supervision and Adult Learning. As religious faith has declined, political polarization has dramatically increased. Has religious belief become politicized? What is the current role of religion in our personal and public life? Why does loyalty to a political party or … Continue reading Intersection of Religion & Politics

Cuyahoga County Diversion Center: How Does It Work?

Speaker: Scott Osiecki, CEO, Cuyahoga County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services, (ADAMHS). The Cuyahoga County Diversion Center opened in May. It provides treatment rather than jail for non-violent, low-level offenders, along with services for the mentally ill and drug addicted. The Center is staffed with psychiatrists, doctors, nurses and treatment specialists. Are police … Continue reading Cuyahoga County Diversion Center: How Does It Work?

Ransomware & Cyberattacks:  How Am I Affected?

Speakers: Christopher Prewitt, Chief Technology Officer, MRK Technologies and Rockie Brockway, CSO Chief Information Security Office, TrustedSec. Cybercrime and ransomware are growing nationally and internationally.  Ransomware is extortion.  It gains unauthorized access to our individual accounts as well as private computer systems in corporations, government agencies, and infrastructure systems.  All of us are vulnerable.  Can … Continue reading Ransomware & Cyberattacks:  How Am I Affected?

Political Parties, Polarization and the Future

Speakers: Jonathan Entin, CWRU Professor of Law and Political Science; Ryan Claassen, Political Science Professor, Kent State University. What do the results of the November 2nd election mean? Low turnout usually produces surprising results. Multi-racial and unaffiliated voters are increasing. Can democracy exist when political parties are increasingly polarized? How are the parties handling the … Continue reading Political Parties, Polarization and the Future

Social Media, the Internet, and Technology: Monopolies vs Accountability

Speaker: Bryan Adamson, CWRU Professor of Law. GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft). How does GAFAM’s power and size affect capitalism, democracy, and our personal lives? These companies measure our attention, collect user data from us, and lock in the means to get messages (including disinformation) into our consciousness via advanced technology and tailored … Continue reading Social Media, the Internet, and Technology: Monopolies vs Accountability