Virtual Service: How would a Stoic Quarantine? 05.10.2020



Chalice Lighting — Katie Love

Welcome Message for Worship: Dr. Allan Georgia

Music: Love Will Guide Us

Joys and Concerns

Wayside Pulpit: Dr. Allan Georgia
“Wait, now who were the Stoics again??”

Music: Oh Mama Bakudala

Wisdom from the Global Scripture — Katie Love

Wayside Pulpit

Music 3/Offertory: Sakura
Offering to the NEO Music Relief Fund
Acceptance of Gifts

Mark Weber, CLM: “What Would a Stoic Do During a Pandemic?”

Wayside Pulpit: Dr. Allan Georgia & Carole Georgia
“Happy Mother’s Day”

Music: #1051 “We Are”

Benediction: Dr. Allan Georgia

Postlude: Ashokan Farewell

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