What is the UUA?

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) enables us to be part of a denomination rather than an independent congregation. It provides resources, support and structure that underpin how our congregations operate internally and within the larger community. It provides ways for congregations to collaborate regionally, nationally and internationally.

As the delegate team prepares to represent UUCC at the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly (GA) June 20-23, 2024 we’re sharing this summary of what the UUA is. We hope it will be useful, especially for those of you who are new to Unitarian Universalism or whose focus is primarily on congregational life. Try clicking on a few of the links if you’re not familiar with the UUA website, which is a treasure trove of information.

“The Unitarian Universalist Association is a faith community of more than 1,000 congregations that bring to the world a vision of religious freedom, tolerance, and social justice. The mission of the UUA is to equip congregations for health and vitality, to support and train lay and professional leaders, and to advance Unitarian Universalist values in the world. ​ The UUA supports congregations in their work by training ministers, publishing books and the UU World magazine, providing religious education curricula, offering shared services, coordinating social justice activities, and more.”

The UUA has supported UUCC by providing resources for worship creation, music, the ministerial search process, congregational administration and finance, religious education and more. Whatever justice issue you are interested in, there’s a good chance you will find UUA resources to support your justice work. Ongoing initiatives of the UUA justice ministry include Side with Love, UU The Vote, Economic Justice, Environmental Justice, Immigrant Justice, LGBTQ Justice, Racial Justice and Reproductive Justice.

“Each UU congregation is autonomous—congregational leaders set their own priorities and choose their own ministers and staff. Congregations vote for the leaders of the UUA, who oversee the central staff and resources.” Our delegate team will be representing you at this year’s GA. On June 9 we look forward to sharing more information and learning how we can best represent you.

Your 2024 GA Delegate Team Laurie Albright, John Bacon, Carol Gay, Valerie McFadden

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