GCC Action “Battle for Democracy:  For a More Perfect Union”, April 7

GCC has announced an important social justice Action: We need 25 UUCC members to join us!!

WHAT:  GCC Action:  “Battle for Democracy:  For A More Perfect Union”

WHEN:  Thursday, April 7, 7-8:30 pm (via ZOOM)

This meeting will focus on the upcoming election of the Cuyahoga County Executive and the Judge of Common Pleas Court, Juvenile Division – two contested seats with the power to impact the ongoing work of GCC.  The candidates for these positions have been invited to the meeting.  They will be asked about their willingness to support several issues that GCC members have identified as important to our community’s welfare.

A strong turnout to this Action is crucial to show the candidates our strength and base throughout Cuyahoga County – to show them why they should pay attention to GCC.

UUCC has committed to have at least 25 people attend this virtual meeting.  This will be an opportunity to help shape our county government, which impacts us all, and to express our mission statement “justice in action”.  We hope you’ll join us.

You can register for the Action using either the link listed below or the QR code shown in the flyer below.  Please notify Pam Gibbon if you plan to attend, or if you have questions ([email protected]; 216-371-9947).  Thank you for supporting GCC’s work and our UU values.

Your UUCC GCC Core Team,                                                                                                                                 

Laurie Albright, Bev Austin, Pat Dillard, Pam Gibbon, Vern Sackman, and Mark Weber

Register Here
or use use the QR Code below

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