GCC’s June 30th Delegate Assembly had something for everyone. Here is a summary:
There are many ways you can get involved!!
Remember: All Members and Friends of UUCC are also members of GCC. We regularly support the actions of GCC through our Sunday Plate Donations. This is your donations in action.
The meeting opened with one-on-one relational breakouts to check in with how leaders were dealing with the recent events battering our country.The brief one-on-ones were followed by crisp reports of GCC initiatives by GCC leaders and staff:
Power-Up Purchasing Cooperative: Louise McKinney from member congregation St. John AME reported that last summer 30 Northeast Ohio nonprofits joined together to get a great deal on electric supply contracts, and collectively saved some $50,000 over the lifetime of their contract. Just as important, participating organizations built new relationships and showed the power of those relationships. More opportunities for savings are in the offing!
Dollars for Doses: GCC lead organizer Keisha Krumm reported that as of the end of June, our pop-up vaccine clinics this year have resulted in 2,000 shots in arms, the majority of them being first shots. The clinics will continue twice a month through the end of September, with the next one at member congregation Elizabeth Baptist Church this Saturday, the 9th, from 10am-2pm. GCC volunteers have found the clinics to be an extremely energizing experience. The dates and locations of the remaining clinics are listed on our website. You can sign up to volunteer here:
Criminal Justice: Theresa Markowitz from B’nai Jeshurun Congregation reported on the June 28th Pretrial Justice Teach-In which focused on the problem of unjustly jailing people before trial; potential solutions such as pretrial services, including bail changes; and GCC’s role in stopping the injustice. Theresa also reported that the Juvenile Bindover team continues to meet and prepare for an October 11 action that will address the huge issue of binding juveniles over to the adult criminal justice system in Cuyahoga County.
Battle for Democracy (BFD team): Senior organizer Khalilah Worley Billy reported that the BFD team is actively recruiting up to 150 neighborhood captains and 36 congregational captains to lead GCC’s expanded and re-imagined voter canvassing work. This year we are adding five inner-ring suburban neighborhoods where GCC has member organizations: Cleveland Heights (Noble neighborhood), South Euclid, Euclid, Parma Heights and Warrensville Heights. This is critical work in an environment where our democratic fabric is eroding and voters are sinking further into depression. The neighborhood captain strategy is the backbone of our campaign and essential to re-engaging voters. According to our partner the Union of Concerned Scientists, our neighborhood captain program increased turnout of our targeted voters 2% from 2020. WE NEED YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS! Please fill out this form if you are interested in learning more:
Downtown Lakefront Development Planning: Keisha Krumm reported that GCC has been invited to participate in one of the Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Lakefront Advisory work groups that is tasked with thinking through the goals of a Community Benefit Agreement related to the downtown lakefront development project. Keisha and Rev. James Quincy from member congregation Lee Road Baptist Church have agreed to serve on the committee. Keisha will report on the work of the committee and GCC’s role on the committee at a virtual meeting at 7pm on Tuesday, July 19. Register here for the meeting:
EngageGCC: GCC’s Management Team chair Susan Reis capped the evening by introducing EngageGCC, a new internal organizing strategy that will allow us to more strongly connect with and involve people within our member institutions and ignite their passion for the issues they care about. Susan shared our EngageGCC strategy, which is based on best-practice models from our sister organizations Greater Boston Interfaith Organization and Washington Interfaith Network. Susan, Marcia Levine from member congregation Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple and Willie Brown from member congregation Imani UCC are serving as chairs of EngageGCC. As a first step, they are asking you to fill out this questionnaire about your congregation:
Your participation will help them get off to a strong start!
We will build on the enthusiasm generated at June’s Delegate Assembly with a Delegate Assembly on Thursday, July 28 at 7pm. Register here for this meeting:
Remember! All are welcome to participate in these exciting initiatives!