Food for our Minds and Spirits: Conversation Aficcionado

A strange place to have a conversation. But not a bad one!

I like to think of myself as a conversation aficcionado. I love conversations and enjoy them like a wine connoisseur or a someone on antiques roadshow would talk about Tiffany lamps or some other kind of collection that has lots of wonderful things in it, but where every item is special in its own way. That’s how I feel about conversations. Each one has its own notes, tempos, fragrances, and impressions. And each one is special in its own ways, leaving its stamp on me and my own experience in ways that stay with me.

Of course, these days, some of these conversations happen digitally, on Facetime or on Zoom. Those conversations are not the same as good ones I get to have in person, but they are still important. Face to face is better, something enjoyable to drink is always a welcome addition to a good conversation. So is a good venue, or a beautiful view. A walk makes for especially engaged back and forth.

Sometimes time gets away from us, our conversation partners become distant or unavailable. It’s hard to keep connected to people, even when our intentions are the very best. But, conversations are also life-giving. The ability to connect with another person, to compare notes on what it is to be a person, to find points of commonality and difference, to be invited into someone else’s perspective and to invite others into yours––these are essential, meaningful things. And maybe it being hard is part of why it is so meaningful. Have you had a good conversation recently? If not, I hope you do.

Incidentally, that’s such a big part of what we try to do at UUCC, in small groups, in RE classes, during and after worship, throughout the week. Places to connect and converse is an important aspect to all that we try to foster. I hope that if you are looking for places to converse you feel invited into them at UUCC.

Sometimes it is hard to tap into our spiritual selves or find time to nurture our creativity and intellectual curiosity. Here is a section that reflects on some nourishing materials from around the web and related media channels in order to get us thinking, get us feeling, and get us reflecting on the lives we are living in this big world. **Some Adult/Mature Themes May Appear in Links and Other Attached Material**


Allan T. Georgia, MDiv, MTS, PhD

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